I have now made the EIGHTH beta release (please use the download link
in the first post). Changes include:
* Added 320x240 option to screen size.
* Added 640x480 option for games, as well as programs.
* When E-UAE isn't running any game (i.e. you used Boot Workbench), it now disables the relevant menu items. Also added a missing check to prevent one item from crashing.
* Now checks more often whether E-UAE is running.
* Added an AppMenuItem (so appears in Workbench's Tools menu).
* Added a keyboard short-cut for the Boot Workbench menu item (exciting huh?).
* For speed it now reads app choices from Env: instead of EnvArc: (and saves your choices to both).
* AGA mode now enabled for lowercase 'aga' in file/folder name (without false detections).
* Fixed serious errors not being reported, and instead crashing & causing system instability, when floppy noises were enabled.
Floppy drive noises still seem to work, but let me know if not!* Fixed not storing 68k prefs correctly for some apps.
* Fixed RunInUAE not reading it's tooltypes when it was started by a WHDLoad game.
Please report if you notice any other problems, as otherwise this is basically the version which will get released.
Edited by ChrisH on 2010/3/21 18:06:16