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Software News : A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH" for AOS4 !
Posted by kas1e on 2010/6/3 19:14:30 (7646 reads) News by the same author
Software News

For now, one of the very popular games is also available for AmigaOS4 and its called : GISH (original site).

Gish is a 2D platform game developed by Alex Austin, Edmund McMillen and Josiah Pisciotta and distributed by Chronic Logic, Stardock and other distributors. The game was featured in The Humble Indie Bundle. Following the success of the promotion, Cryptic Sea pledged to go open source with the game which eventually happened on May 29, 2010.

You can download it from os4depot (and also check screenshots). But screenshots will tell you almost nothing, because the best side of it its game play and physic. For example you can check that video, for making right opinion about.

Remember, you need download somethere or buy full game, for get huge data files from (60mb packet / 200 unpacked). But the game worth of it !

Game itself uses OpenGL for rendering and SDL for others, so, 1ghz of cpu are pretty preferable for smooth and fast plaing.

Enjoy !
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Author Thread
Published: 2010/6/3 19:46  Updated: 2010/6/3 19:46
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3801
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
It's a blob !!

Published: 2010/6/4 0:20  Updated: 2010/6/4 0:20
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3801
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
From the same authors Trash seems another great game

Published: 2010/6/4 8:24  Updated: 2010/6/4 8:24
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9127
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
"Trash" are not opensource imho ?
Published: 2010/6/4 19:18  Updated: 2010/6/4 19:18
Quite a regular
Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
I am sure I read the source was released on the 24th May. :o

That was a quick port... this guy should port FireFox!
Published: 2010/6/4 21:50  Updated: 2010/6/4 21:50
Quite a regular
Joined: 09/20/2008
From: Gothenburg, Sweden (via Finland)
Comments: 523
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Published: 2010/6/4 22:34  Updated: 2010/6/4 22:34
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3801
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Don't know, but i'm searching for the source ..
Published: 2010/6/5 13:40  Updated: 2010/6/5 13:40
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 420
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
The Data Files for the game are not open sourced they are still closed. Gish
Published: 2010/6/5 15:27  Updated: 2010/6/5 15:27
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1210
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Can you make it to work with demo files too ?
Published: 2010/6/5 17:23  Updated: 2010/6/5 17:23
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9127
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Yes, i write about that in readme

I tryed right now, and while source have defines for demo version, still, it works wrong. For example data files of demo version which i download, have directory leveldemo. But in all the source "leveldemo" words is not present => source for the full game.

Of course it possible to spend some time for and make it works with demo versions, but it make no sense in general ..

ps. new version is coming, with fixes related to menu (load/replay/highscore/etc). Strange that noone notice that (what mean not so many trying to play in it :) ).
Published: 2010/6/7 20:25  Updated: 2010/6/7 20:25
Just popping in
Joined: 04/27/2007
From: NY, USA
Comments: 21
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Is there any screenshots or video of gameplay? *hint hint*
Published: 2010/6/8 8:15  Updated: 2010/6/8 8:15
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9127
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
Screenshots are on os4depot.net (choise Gish game, and press on screenshots link).

Related to video: i post link on video in main post (youtube).
Published: 2010/6/8 19:34  Updated: 2010/6/8 19:34
Just popping in
Joined: 04/27/2007
From: NY, USA
Comments: 21
 Re: A new, quality, physic-engine based game "GISH&q...
That video is it running on an Amiga?
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