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Internet News : Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Posted by Rogue on 2008/8/25 17:17:33 (2836 reads) News by the same author
Internet News

Since Porter/Duff style image compositing will be part of AmigaOS 4.1, I've decided to try and start a series of articles on the topic. Part one is now up, and can be found here. I want to extend this series in the future, and also go into the programming itself, including sample code.

Part one is just a general overview of the concept of Porter/Duff image compositing, with no programming knowledge required. Part 2 will go into the theory of operation and explain the basic usage in AmigaOS 4.1.

Feedback is appreciated.

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Published: 2008/8/25 17:49  Updated: 2008/8/25 17:49
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1210
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Thanks making this article !

Published: 2008/8/25 17:49  Updated: 2008/8/25 17:49
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From: Nice, so nice
Comments: 163
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Ah, at least some doc. about features of OS4.1. Much appreciated, thank you.

Published: 2008/8/25 18:03  Updated: 2008/8/25 18:03
Just can't stay away
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From: Sanremo
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Thanks ^_^
Published: 2008/8/25 20:03  Updated: 2008/8/25 20:03
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article


Published: 2008/8/25 20:07  Updated: 2008/8/25 20:07
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 12/08/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 394
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Nice article.

Does 4.1 has its own PDIC-API, or does the system use Cairo internally to do PDIC?
Published: 2008/8/25 20:12  Updated: 2008/8/25 20:12
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From: Bure�, Sweden
Comments: 103
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Thanks! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Published: 2008/8/26 8:25  Updated: 2008/8/26 8:25
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From: Auckland, New Zealand
Comments: 19
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Now that is an excellent introduction. I hope everyone reads it.

Published: 2008/8/26 10:15  Updated: 2008/8/26 10:15
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From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Thank you Rogue. I'm not a programmer, but it's appreciated that you've gone to this trouble.

Hey, if it's not taught by you (or any from AOS4.x dev team), they'll learn it in the streets, and we all know how that turns out.
Published: 2008/8/26 12:45  Updated: 2008/8/26 12:46
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article


I've seen demos of Cairo on Linux before... very impressive stuff... and this also opens up the possibility for scalable icons (SVG) etc (Infact SVG datatypes are allready available for AmigaOS)

One thing I would like to ask though... are the OS4 interface elements (Window "Gradient" & Style etc) Now drawn with Cairo completely or are they still bitmaps?

And if they aren't, are there any plans to draw them with Cairo in the future?

Cheers, Alex.
Published: 2008/8/26 13:26  Updated: 2008/8/26 13:26
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From: Finland
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article

Note that there are actually two "svg" formats.

First there is the rather obscure SuperView Graphics format which is supported by Andreas Kleinert's svg datatype and is a bitmap format.

Then there is the Scalable Vector Graphics format which is supported by my svg.datatype for OS4, which makes use of libsvg/libsvg-cairo and afxgroup's cairo port (on OS4Depot) to render the svg vector graphics.
Published: 2008/8/26 13:49  Updated: 2008/8/26 13:49
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Comments: 624
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Compositing is implemented as a single call in graphics.library. You can use it without touching Cairo, in fact, I've written two programs that make use of it. One displays a real-time thumbnail preview of the screen, the other is a lens that can zoom the screen with the mouse wheel.

Should make commodities out of them, really.
Published: 2008/8/26 13:51  Updated: 2008/8/26 13:51
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 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article

Cairo isn't used internally yet, only the compositing. Cairo was included mostly to have it available; in the future, more and more stuff will make use of it though.
Published: 2008/8/28 19:36  Updated: 2008/8/28 19:36
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Michigan
Comments: 1027
 Re: Porter/Duff Image Compositing Article
Thanks for article. If I read again three more times I might learn something!
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