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muimplayer new version progress
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To avoid spam thread where liveforit workign on compositing driver, want to bring it all in another topic.

So, today added new video output to muimplayer: sdl one. It slower than cgx_wpa one, but, at least window can be resized which is good for non-overlay systems (on some video i try, sdl output load by cpu on 55%, while cgx_wpa output load it on 45%).

Resized Image

Resized Image

Now, as i remember many pplz have problems with "it didn't fallback to any other output if overlay didn't found".

There is version for test (generic one, non altivec one, so do not compaer altivec speed and generic one) , where sdl output present (you can either use -vo sdl if run from shell, or if in gui , then choice sdl video output in preferences).


Those ones who don't have overlay, plz, check, if fallback to cgx_wpa didn't works at all by default or works. I want to sort it all at once.

Edited by kas1e on 2014/4/2 13:15:52
Edited by kas1e on 2014/4/2 13:17:12
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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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With overlay use this would crash (DSI which turns to ISI if you ignore) for no apparent reason. I intended to do general testing.

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Tested the SDL output and it works (slower but usable) however with this driver the zoom gadget doesn't seems to work

I also don't find the "p96" driver, on your grab i see you have it listed

Here i have that one only:


But very good, from now on hard test can begin --> we might start checking the tickets open on bugs.os4depot

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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How to reproduce ? have crashlogs ? is version from os4depot reacts the same on same video or only new one ? steps to reproduce will help a lot.

pure p96 driver seems not implemented fully and looks like copy paste of overlay driver with just removed functions => no p96 driver for any versions

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Ok, found a new problem aniway
Using p96_pip all video will crash when you try to go back/forward (using the left/right arrows) in a video

Here the log:

Crash log for task "mplayer"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.16
Crash occured in module mplayer at address 0x6AEB2638
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 00008000 5334F2B0 00000000 00000000 5334F4BA 5334F2B8 00000001 00000000
8: 00000001 00000000 4B363994 000000CE 20442024 4B36B130 533632DC 4B3638D8
16: 53368260 4B3637B8 4B3637BC 4B363234 4B3650D8 00000000 4B3638B8 4B3639A4
24: 5334F2B9 4B363668 4B363668 58414388 4B3650D4 4B3650D0 4B3650CC 56FCFAE0

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 0.04 -57.3019 -16.5424
4: -120.162 -84.1974 -124.319 -108.678
8: -112.13 -110.589 0.06 0.8
12: 1e-06 1 0 0
16: 0 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0 1.61895e-319
24: 0 0 2.65249e-315 -1.17478e+229
28: 1e+06 -6.46477e-05 0 1.764

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82002000

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x4AF44390
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x6AEB2638
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01821028
Count (ctr) : 0x00000000
Link (lr) : 0x00000000
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x0183F248
Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 58C2C58E 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 5334F460
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x6AEB2638 belongs to module "mplayer" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
module mplayer at 0x6AEB2638 (section 5 @ 0x41614)
module mplayer at 0x6AEB243C (section 5 @ 0x41418)
module mplayer at 0x6AE817C8 (section 5 @ 0x107A4)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d5c
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0
_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b4b0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b530

PPC disassembly:
6aeb2630: 7d234b78 mr r3,r9
6aeb2634: b0010212 sth r0,530(r1)
*6aeb2638: 80090054 lwz r0,84(r9)
6aeb263c: 7c0903a6 mtctr r0
6aeb2640: 4e800421 bctrl

System information:

Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3
CPU speed: 799 MHz
FSB speed: 133 MHz

Machine name: Sam440EP
Memory: 1048576 KB
Extensions: bus.pci

It also seems to crash differently (this time in appdir) if you open a video from the download window of SMTube and you press the left arrow to go back in the video progressing

Don't remember if same problem happen before, now i will retry with cgx_wpa ..

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Tried and i have the same appdir crash with the cgx_wpa driver, again pressing the left or the right arrow to move in a video

Stack trace:
module APPDIR:MPlayer at 0x6CA9E638 (section 5 @ 0x41614)
module APPDIR:MPlayer at 0x6CA9E43C (section 5 @ 0x41418)
module APPDIR:MPlayer at 0x6CA6D7C8 (section 5 @ 0x107A4)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d14
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0
_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b4b0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b530

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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On a NON-Overlay system (x1000-HD6670) just starting MPlayer from CLI to read a movie failed.
What are the arguments that you want to test ?

14/0.Work:mplayer_beta_DU140403Work:mplayer_beta_DU140403/mplayer Medias:Videos/LeGrandSoir.avi 
-4.4.3 (C2000-2010 MPlayer Team
160 audio 
349 video codecs

Playing Medias
AVI file format detected.
aviheaderVideo stream found, -vid 0
[aviheaderAudio stream found, -aid 1
:  [XVID]  640x272  24bpp  24.000 fps  874.9 kbps (106.8 kbyte/s)
Clip info:
: [p96_pip]
Opening video decoder: [ffmpegFFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16be, 128.0 kbit/8.33% (ratio: 16000->192000)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
AHI: Using 0x30002 AudioID.
AHI: Using 46080 bytes per chunk and 1440 Kb for buffer
AO: [ahi] 48000Hz 2ch s16be (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
Movie-Aspect is 2.35:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [p96_pip] 640x272 => 640x272 Planar YV12 
Unable to open a window
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.
Movie-Aspect is 2.35:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [p96_pip] 640x272 => 640x272 Planar YV12 
Unable to open a window
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.

Exiting... (Fatal error)


-vo sdl => opens on my second GFX card (R9250) and is very slow

-vo cgx_wpa => opens on my normal Workbench (HD6670) but is not resizable and crash when I hit a key at the same offsets than Samir section 5 @ 0x41614)

Edited by zzd10h on 2014/4/2 23:55:00
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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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crash when I hit a key

I have described the press key problems in the other thread.

http://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum ... e=&order=ASC&type=&mode=0

This is fixed in my version.


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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Problem with keymap happens for you before because you didn't use -lauto (i use it before, so have no needs to open it manually). Now i just get rid of it to avoid conflicts with libsdl.a, and yep forget to open it now manually as well as few other libs/ifaces: now done.

Now with SDL output "C" works fine for me as well, i can switch between resolutions and no crashes.

In other words:

1). Need to detect if overlay is present (morphos code there will not works, as it do that check on cgxvideo.library)
2). By some reasons when you have 2 cards, it opens not on default one ?

Anyway as i note, SDL output do open video on fullscreen by default, which imho suck, and better make window be by default (so it will opens on workbench).

As for seed of sdl otuput on your radeon9250 on x1000, i assume because of all that 33mhz problems. One tester say that for him, in my build SDL output faster on his sam + some redeonHD in compare with pure cgx_wpa. I dunno how it possible, only maybe SDL do use something which speeduped on radeonhd (that can explain why you found sdl output of afxgroup's version builede by Mick be faster on your radeonhd too).

New version with fixed keymap things (so buttons works):


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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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right, keyboard works now !

For my second gfx card, yes, if opened in windowed mode, it will certanly stay in primary workbench screen.

For the speedup of MickJT SDL version, it seems to be true too on SAM460, therefore you should be right, RadeonHD related maybe...

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Just popping in

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i'm not a programmer but i think because sdl version could use WritePixelArray()/BlitBitMap() functions more than the others and in Sam machines they're very well optimized using DMA intensively and the result is less cpu usage and faster video play

you wrote:

One tester say that for him, in my build SDL output faster on his sam + some redeonHD in compare with pure cgx_wpa. I dunno how it possible, only maybe SDL do use something which speeduped on radeonhd (that can explain why you found sdl output of afxgroup's version builede by Mick be faster on your radeonhd too).

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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New version: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6zc1c8

There is added checking on working overlay, and if not avail it fallback to cgx_wpa.

Plz test it heavy in that terms (on systems with overlay, without, etc), as it was probably one of major problems ppls have with.


Is Mick's build also open sdl output on fullscreen by default ?

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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"Is Mick's build also open sdl output on fullscreen by default ?"

No, windows mode by default.

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Tried that version from afxgroup: http://os4depot.net/share/video/play/mplayer.lha

And by simple "mplayer -vo sdl work:test.avi" , it opens in fullscreen by default too..

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Just can't stay away

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I don't know which version MickJT took, but with his version, I simply issue :

"mplayer work:test.avi"

nothing more and it opens in windowed mode

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Can upload mick's version somewhere so i can test it ?

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Yep, mick's version works in window in sdl output by default.

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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The previous beta opened its window (screen or no screen) and played any video for a short time before crashing. But the beta3? (18748139 byte size) works no worse than the release version.

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Re: muimplayer new version progress
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Yep, mick's version works in window in sdl output by default.

Yes the SDL version by Mick will be opened in window mode by default, it seems also the better one (in his SDL form i mean)

Would be cool if it could be possible to "merge" his SDL driver into our MUI/Reaction versions

Tested beta 3 and the arrows key is now ok, however it still crash when you try to start a video directly from SMTube, the crash is reproducible with any availible drivers (pip96_pip, cgx_wpa and also in SDL)

Here the crash:

Crash log for task "APPDIR:MPlayer"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.16
Crash occured in module MPlayer at address 0x6AECCA10
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 6AECA82C 476F6360 00000000 47C01960 00000050 00000001 00000000 558260F8
8: 47C01740 00000000 01A50000 021BDC66 24442042 47C4F140 45C2733C 45C57868
16: 45D91D30 47C1AC94 45C57858 45EE6D8C 00000000 47C479A4 45C5787C 47C40000
24: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 476F64C8 47C01940 47C40000 47C01988

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 0.129287 0 0
4: 2.59033e-318 5.05923e-321 0 1.08647e-311
8: 0 3.23791e-319 0 0
12: 4.5036e+15 4.29497e+09 3.39519e-313 -5.05923e-321
16: 0 1.39067e-309 0 0
20: 0 0 0 1.61895e-319
24: 4.94066e-324 0 1.061e-314 -4.07294e-35
28: 0 1.35808e-312 2.06041e-289 -0.234375

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82064000

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x474B6390
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x6AECCA10
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01821028
Count (ctr) : 0x00000000
Link (lr) : 0x00000000
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x0183F248
Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 58C5658E 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 476F6460
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x6AECCA10 belongs to module "MPlayer" (PowerPC)
Symbol: T.19 + 0x2C in section 1 offset 0x001C69EC

Stack trace:
T.19()+0x2c (section 1 @ 0x1C69EC)
http_send_request()+0x1e4 (section 1 @ 0x1C4808)
http_streaming_start()+0x114 (section 1 @ 0x1C283C)
open_s1()+0x90 (section 1 @ 0x1C3494)
open_stream_full()+0x2f8 (section 1 @ 0x10D1CC)
open_stream()+0x48 (section 1 @ 0x10BF74)
main()+0xed8 (section 1 @ 0xE478)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d14
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0
_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b4b0
native kernel module kernel+0x0003b530

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