After several test and checkings, these shots don't show the Anisotropic filtering in actions.
In fact the latest MiniGL doesnt handle Anisotropic Filtering.
That's a true pain.
I can turn it on/off using the OpenGL commands for but, they have no impact on render.
(that mean that these informations are not sent to Warp3D or not handled this way).
I had to make a workaround that modify the ENV file "on the fly" to turn it on/off and it's a TRUE PAIN!
We need MiniGL to be updated with the new Warp3D capabilities :)
Here is a shot truely showing the Anisotropic filtering in action : these case :
1. Top/Left : no filtering + Anisotropic.
2. Top/Right : Linear_Mipmap_Nearest + Anisotropic.
3. Bottom/Left: Linear_MipMap_Linear + Anisotropic.
4. Bottom/Right : same as 3.
(my objectives was to have Anisotropic only for the object 4 but it's actually impossible.
However, theorically, MiniGL specifications allow to activate Anisotropic Filter "per object" and not "per scene"...
Kindest Regards,