Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2009/10/7 1:11 Last Login
: 3/3 11:42
From Odense
Registered Users
As I am already spamming this forum, I might as well just give away one other "small" thingy:
I will be porting Qt 5.2 asap!
(FADING TRUMPETS...........!)
Ok, I have actually not gotten much further with this than making the actual decision. So don't expect anything (as in anything-at-all) within the next 3-4 months. But with that said, I think I owe this to the community, to have an updated Qt port. I just love the enthusistic atmosphere around here, and I am pleased to say, that it all feels meaningful, despite all the small quarels over which browser is better, and "when can we have this-and-that feature", and a nagging feeling of despair every time my friends tell me, that I am crazy and that it doesn't make any sense to be so dedicated to a platform with "such little prospect"... Well, call me crazy, but I think we have the best OS with regards to many things: speed, clarity, overall friendliness, history for that matter and, uhm, this 'feeling' or 'touch' or 'smell', that makes development worthwile, and not just some other way to make dough...
Ahem, and all touchy-feely notions put aside: Let's make some more software!
Edited by alfkil on 2013/4/1 2:02:35