396 - This one was an old (and already resolved) bug so you can close it
507 - Well.. this one could still opened altrough i'm not 100% sure if we can consider it as a real bug or not.. for sure text selection needs some more love here and there, sometimes it miss the necessary accuracy Also actually we miss a method for selecting text with the usual double/triple click etc ,, in short maybe some extra work is needed
You might close it and reopen it later as a new feature request for having a better text selection
508 - This one wasn't a real bug and aniway as is it's reported badly We need to open a new ticket (feature request) to handle better the internal windows/tabs, for example if you open the about window and then you click into the Licence button --> then the link will be always opened in a new window rathen then be opened on the same one or atleast in a new tab of the same window .. also the tabs (if i remember correctly) wasn't 100% "independent" to each others or similar ..
In short maybe we can close this one too and later add a new (and well written) feature request ..
Argg how many time passed, these 2 latest bugreports were posted in 2010 or so ..
NetSurf CI build #1796 is safe from the Heartbleed attack: (OWB present in that screenshot just to display the results page)
The forthcoming v3.1 will also be safe.
Versions prior to CI#1796 are vulnerable to this exploit, back to who-knows-when. I haven't tested 3.0 as 3.1 will be out in two more weeks(tm), and as 3.0 uses SObjs you can just replace libssl with the new one from OS4Depot.
Don't know if we are in time for the final 3.1 release, however i still have a couple of minor issues to report ..
- One, you know is the good old bug related to the saving as IFF, would be nice to have it finally fixed - Another one is related to the favicon (this problem started in one of the latest nightly)
Favicons will disappear anytime you resize the NetSurf window
It's supposed to be frozen now, any tinkering could cause unforeseen problems so I'd rather leave it until after 3.1 unless it is critical.
Yep then no problem as certainly it's not a critical one ..
Is it in the bugtracker yet? If it is it's liable to get fixed. If not, I'm almost certainly going to forget (as I had).
It should be there .. However i have some problems to sign up to the new bugtracker page to verify, my username was already registered (in the old bugtracker system) but now if i use my password i cannot be able to access to it ..
I should contact the team maybe
That's a new one. I can reproduce here - do you know which build it started occurring in?
However i have some problems to sign up to the new bugtracker page to verify, my username was already registered (in the old bugtracker system) but now if i use my password i cannot be able to access to it ..
You need to use the "forgotten password" link. There was some stuff about this on one mailing list or the other when the new tracker was introduced.
I found two "problems" with the latest release (3.1 25th April 2014)
1. The About window (Project/About) locks the main Netsurf window. As far as i checked there doesn't seem to be any other window which does that.
2. Downloading something and while showing the download progress window will raise the cpu usage to 100% slowing everything else down to a crawl.
3. The "on-the-fly" line breaking while typing a message (tried in this forum with this message) seems to be borked. Especially when you reach the end of the message window you type in, all the words you already typed are going to jump around wildely.
Seems to have to do with the bottom size slider...once that slider is gone everything works as expected, if it's back the formatting and line-breaking is borked again.
1. Yes, I know. I have plans to replace that with a custom window, but it's so low priority I probably won't bother. I'm amazed anybody has noticed/cares - most other software is like this too.
2. I've already fixed that as much as I can. It travels through Wait() so it shouldn't be hogging the processor from other tasks. Tbh it seems OK here since I made my changes. Check task pri in the icon?
3. I'm aware of this too. Something odd happens if the pixel count is exactly fitting into the available space. I've given up trying to fix it for now as I always make it worse.
If anybody has any suggestions for 3 I'd like to hear them. The problem is in nsfont_split. If it is exactly fitting the width to the pixel it takes a different path depending on the day of the week (actually I think it depends on whether the string exactly fits, or whether part of the string exactly fits).* I'm sure it's something stupid but I can't see it.
* to clarify, I think the "fix" is to go around the loop again with an extra space on the end of the string.
3. The "on-the-fly" line breaking while typing a message (tried in this forum with this message) seems to be borked. Especially when you reach the end of the message window you type in, all the words you already typed are going to jump around wildely.
Please can you try again with the latest CI build? Michael has tweaked a few things.
I did just now with the latest #1888 release and the typing bug is gone for the time you type straight and the right boundary of the window you type in is met.
Once it's met though, everything is messed up again unfortunately
Once you reach the bottom of the window and go beyond the (now always visible) bottom sizer the already typed stuff gets rearranged so it will be correctly set up and the bottom sizer will be erased.
Unfortunately typing along will bring back the bottom sizer and the mess up.
Alas, once you reach the "true" bottom" of the page the right side sizer will appear and rearrange everything correctly again...until you type to another new line...which will mess up everything again.
Plus the "Preview" button doesn't work, but that might be JS!?
Hmm, that might be a different problem to the one I thought it was. The issue here is that it goes awry if you hit the right-hand boundary to the exact pixel. I can't reproduce that in #1888 (edit: actually, yes I can), but then it was always a bit random as to whether it would appear or not.
Can you post some screenshots to show what you mean, in case we're talking about different things?
I'm not seeing the horizontal scroller at all on amigans.net's edit areas.
Image six is after typing the very next letter and boom...it's becoming messy Image 6
Image seven shows what happens next, every word will be broken into a new line and the actual line will always have that "cut off" second letter which on typing will be sent to the right border in the same line Image 7
Image eight looks kinda normal on the first paragraph, but only because i had to click in the window (after activating Netsurf) again, after i did the screenshot Image 8
Plus what i mentioned earlier that when one reaches the bottom boundary and the vertical scroller appears, the horizontal scroller will disappear only to reappear again after one continues typing
The zeroes are normal, the font size isn't set for each individual font (as that would be ridiculous). The font on your screenshots looks monospaced, which is what confused me, as it should be using the sans-serif font.
Can you download build #1893 and create a log file of the weirdness? Just start it with: netsurf -v *>ram:ns.log
Email it to me or upload it somewhere as an archive, don't paste it in here as it'll be huge.
I'm using #1897 right now, writing the post from within Netsurf.
It seems it doesn't happen anymore
There is also some nice addition as i now am able to click anywhere inside the window and the cursor actually gets placed there (wasn't the case before either, but i wouldn't want to spam you with such tiny bugs).
The only thing missing i can think of right now is support for keyboard shortcuts like Hold Shift and press Cursor right to reach the end of the line Hold Shift and press Cursor left to reach the beginning of the line Hold Shift and Ctrl and press any cursor to mark the line and so on