Amiga 25th Anniversary year and you.
Date 2010/2/4 9:27:01 | Topic: Amiga Events
| Well as we all hopefully know this summer is the 25th Anniversary of our much loved Amiga 1000 and the birth of the operating system we all want to see back in the limelight.
To celebrate I would like to request that people give me their stories about how they came to the Amiga and what they enjoy about using it. This I will publish on the Amiga25.com website under a new heading of "Living with Amiga".
If you wish to write a story then please let me know.
There will be on this site as you can see links to all flavours of Amiga life and OS's, so all are welcome. It is not a site for advertising but an information source for people coming to find out about the 25th Anniversary and the fact that Amiga is actually still alive and how people use them.
Please note it is not going to be an advert vehicle for iMica before people think it is.
Please email me at clusteruk@hotmail.com
Steve Jones