Oricutron v0.1 released!
Date 2010/2/6 20:00:59 | Topic: Software News
| Oricutron (formerly known as Oriculator) is an Emulator for the Oric Atmos and Oric-1 computers.
Today, version 0.1 was released for Win32 and AmigaOS4.x. You can download it here.
Changes since Oriculator 0.0.2:
* Now called "Oricutron". Apparently Oriculator is rude in some languages Smile * Works well enough to deserve "0.1" instead of "0.0.x" * You can now auto-insert a tape by passing its name to CLOAD. If you need to "CLOAD" a specific file within a tape image, you can disable this feature. * Fixed broken FPS display * Fixed a condition where a filehandle wouldn't get closed. * Added a 16k Oric-1 mode * Added commandline options * Fixed ADC/SBC overflow flag bug * Mouse click now opens the main menu * Fixed hard lockup when executing BRKs constantly * Fixed B flag bug * Fixed carry flag in BCD mode SBC * Fixed behaviour or N and Z flags in decimal mode * Fixed flag issue in TXS * Emulation speed is no longer tied to the audio callback, enabling more reasonably sized audio buffers. * 60Hz attribute emulated * Fullscreen mode (only available via commandline for now)
* Massive improvements to disk support. Reading works for most things (only Read Track is not implemented yet). Writing is not implemented at all. * Added support for the Jasmin disk controller. Press F4 to reboot in disk mode when jasmin is enabled.
* Added memwatch window * Added symbols support * Implemented help command (?) * F11 traces code without going into subroutines (or Shift+F10 on Amiga keyboards) * F12 now skips instructions * Breakpoints now survive any reset unless the machine type is changes. * You can now set breakpoints on memory accesses as well as program execution * Memory reads from monitor no longer cause side effects for VIA and disk