Vintage Computer Festival 2010
Date 2010/2/8 10:31:02 | Topic: Amiga Events
| Sponsors and exhibitors welcome
Britain?s largest celebration of vintage computing is to be held at The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) in Bletchley Park from 19-20 June 2010.
Originating ten years ago in California?s Silicon Valley, to celebrate our computing heritage, Vintage Computing Festivals are now regular events held across the USA and in Germany. The June 2010 event at TNMOC will be the first in the UK and will pay particular tribute to the British contribution to the development of computing.
The festival, which is open to the general public and welcomes private exhibitors, will have exhibition stands, a full lecture programme, machine demonstrations, computer games and challenges, bring-and-buy sale, and performances of electronic music.
Kevin Murrell, VCF co-ordinator and a trustee and director of TNMOC said: ?The enthusiasm for this festival is already remarkable and we have only just started to publicise the event. The historic and spacious setting of Bletchley Park is perfect for the event ? and with The National Museum of Computing on the same site, it will surely draw visitors from overseas as well as from across Britain. With visitor numbers expected to exceed one thousand, the Festival offers a great opportunity for potential sponsors.?
Exhibitions already committed include Acorn, Amiga, Atari, PDP11, Retro Computer Museum, Sinclair, and Sundown Demoparty (PCs). There will be performances by Pixelh8 and a guest appearance by one of the pioneers of British synthpop.
Lots more will be announced soon. To keep up-to-date, see www.tnmoc.org/vcf-gb.aspx.
For general enquiries and to join the mailing list, email vcf@tnmoc.org.
Potential sponsors should contact Kevin Murrell of TNMOC kevin.murrell@tnmoc.org.
About The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park, an independent charity, houses the largest collection of functional historic computers in Europe, including a rebuilt Colossus, the world?s first electronic programmable computer.
The Museum complements the Bletchley Park Trust?s story of codebreaking up to the Colossus and allows visitors to follow the development of computing from the ultra-secret pioneering efforts of the 1940s through the mainframes of the 1960s and 1970s, and the rise of personal computing in the 1980s. New working exhibits are regularly unveiled and the public can already view a rebuilt and fully operational Colossus, the restoration of the Harwell / WITCH computer, and an ICL 2966, one of the workhorse mainframes computers of the 1980s, plus many of the earliest desktops of the 1980s and 1990s.
The Museum is currently open on Thursdays and Saturdays from 1pm, and on Bank Holidays in spring and summer. Groups may visit at other times by arrangement.
For more information, see www.tnmoc.org and follow tnmoc on Twitter.
Media Contacts Stephen Fleming at Palam Communications t 01635 299116 e sfleming@palam.co.uk
Sourced from http://tnmoc.org/36/section.aspx/125