Date 2010/2/13 8:42:46 | Topic: Publications
| Issue 45 of aMiGa=PoWeR is available. News : AmigaOS v4.1 Update 1, Blender v2.48 OS4, AmigaOne X1000, Hollywood v4.5, MorphOS on MacBook, Alchimie 2k9, 2009 retrospective... Reviews : Heroes Of Might And Magic II, C64 Orchestra, AmigaOne XE-G4 1 GHz, AmiChess v2.6... Tutorials : Psytexx v.8, A600 upgrading, HTML programming... and many other articles, all in full color ! aMiGa=PoWeR is a French newspaper issued by AFLE (French association). Created in 1998, aMiGa=PoWeR became thanks to the experience of AFLE (created in 1994), the 1st French-speaking Amiga newspaper. Entirely laser printed, aMiGa=PoWeR is distributed in the whole world. http://amigapower.free.fr/ap45.html