Amiga Future 83 Preview and Excerpts Online
Date 2010/2/18 11:52:53 | Topic: Publications
| The preview and excerpts for the Amiga Future magazine, issue 83 (March/April 2010) are now online.
As usual there are many reviews like AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 (Part 2), Hollywood, AmigaE, WiiUAE and much more.
Additionally we have all the interesting information about the upcoming AmigOne X1000 and the first interview with A-EON.
On the cover CD as well as many full versions and PD software you can find the full versions of Fatal Heritage, RO, Spaceward HO, Shadow Figher and lots more.
More detailed information about the contents and excerpts can be found at: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=3407
The Amiga Future is an English or German printed magazine available directly via the editorial office and some Amiga dealers.
The Amiga Future magazine can be obtained as a single issue, or by subscription, either with or without a cover CD.
We ask anyone interested in ordering the magazine do so as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment.
Amiga Future needs YOU ...
We are still requiring translators for the magazine. Your native language should be English or German. Of course you should be able to read and write both languages as well.
If you are interested in being part of the Amiga Future team then please contact us via email at Andreas@amigafuture.de .
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de