Amiga Future issue 86 released
Date 2010/9/3 12:18:53 | Topic: Publications
| The English and German issue 86 (September/October 2010) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been released today and can be ordered directly at the editorial office and the Amiga dealers.
Reviews of A/Nes Pro, Gianas Return, MorphOS 2.5, Timberwolf and many more.
Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko, report of Amiga Event Essen, report of VCF UK, workshops and much more.
A more detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at the Amiga Future hompepage.
Information: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=3480 Orders: http://www.apc-tcp.de/shop/afe.php
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de