GngeoNG 0.8.0 for AmigaOS4
Date 2010/9/18 12:26:24 | Topic: Software News
| A new generation of Gngeo is out.
The changes in 0.8.0 AOS4 (code name "NG") By peponas and HunoPPC are listed below. There are 2 versions of GngeoNG:
> one for the cool Ami603 GUI "NeoGUI" is named "gngeo"
> one which incorporates the new GngeoNG GUI created by Peponas, is named "GngeoNG-GUI"
Choose your favorite GngeoNG and enjoy ;o)
- Added a new dumpgfx2 - F1 Reset - F3 test switch on - F4 test switch off - F10 AutoFrameSkip : ON/OFF - F11 F10 AutoFrameSkip : ON/OFF - Added a new blitter: - opengl is native mode on opengl (320x240, change this on gngeorc) - opengl2x is mode opengl 2x with bilinear support (640x480, change this on gngeorc) - Debug on shell for loading rom - All fix for loading ROM - Fix for bug for loading a big roms - Fix Loading and save STATE - Resolution is now always 320x240 - Fix effect with vsync - Various menu fix - Change the way screen320 work. The fix layer is now omit in the first and last column so the background can been seen on the side. Have some artifact depending on the game, so default to off - add vsync option - Force 240 size with vsync - fix minors bugs in menu code - Fix Fatfury3 - Rom selector update - Add gngeo.dat - BugFix: SDL_ShowCursor now work correctly even with SDL_NOMOUSE=1 - Code refactor and clean up - Better event handling in menu - Save state support (only for gen68k and mame z80 for now) - Calling gngeo without parameter now launch the rom browser gngeo - Some CleanUp - more robust bios loading code - Check allocated buffer for roms loading and decrypting - Fix Garou Kof99 and matrim - Add preliminary support for big rom streming system - Fix Video mode for a LCD monitor on HDMI - Fix Filters for LCD monitor on HDMI - Add PAUSE with KEY "p" - Add support JOYSTICK AXIS - New core audio (based of MAME)
Important: this new version is very recent and your old roms is not compatible with this core, the good roms is based on a new mame. re-download this for good games By HunoPPC AmigaRulez