NetSurf 2.6 web browser released
Date 2010/9/22 20:02:08 | Topic: Software News
| The NetSurf developers are happy to announce the immediate availability of NetSurf 2.6. This release contains many bug fixes and improvements.
It is available to download from http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
Here is a change log detailing the important changes in this release:
Core / All ----------
* Improvements to float positioning. * Fix absolute positioned inlines. * Improve handling of percentage margins and paddings on floats. * Fix several memory leaks. * Rationalised memory allocation functions. * Updated SSL root certificates. * Fix handling of PNGs with zero data. * Moved input handling into content handlers. * Simplified browser window module. * Fix table borders specified in em/ex units. * Improved CSS content handling. * Don't try to draw zero size images. * Simplified and fixed save complete feature. * Reduce frequency of cache clean attempts. * Improve and optimise rendering of borders in HTML. * Fix URL comparison issue. * Improve object handling in HTML. * Fix absolute positioned root element. * Rewritten file: fetch handler for local URLs. * Much improved directory listings for local file: paths. * Improve handling of binary data in plain text renderer. * Fixed cache expiry problems.
* LibCSS library (CSS parser and selection engine): + Allow stylesheets to be used in multiple contexts simultaneously. + Fix possible stylesheet reuse crash.
RISC OS-specific ----------------
* Increased maximum allowed value for memory cache size option. * Update 'about' page to include licences for linked components. * Fix layout to paper width when printing. * Fix screen redraw after printing. * Enable sideways print option.
GTK-specific ------------
* Avoid potential use of NULL pointer. * Fix for old versions of GTK. * Improve internationalisation support. * Improve handling of bitmap opacity. * Fix redraw issues with non-HTML content. * Cleaned up menu generation and handling.
BeOS/Haiku-specific -------------------
* Fix build. * Fix mimetype acquisition for local files. * Improve handling of bitmap opacity. * Enable knockout rendering optimisation. * Improved polygon plotter accuracy. * Fix colours on copy to clipboard.
AmigaOS-specific ----------------
* Fixed menus when switching tabs. * Improved font handling. * Text kerning. * Update for OS4.1 Update 2. * Simplify building of Cairo and non-Cairo versions. * Fixed scrollbar handling. * Better NetSurf icon. * Improve installer. * Better support for ARexx commands. * Context sensitive cut/copy/paste. * Fix clipping for non-HTML contents. * Option to show icon under drag saves. * Bitmap plot optimisations. * Now uses core fetcher for file: URLs.
Framebuffer-specific --------------------
* Framebuffer toolkit rationalised. * Improved scrollbar support. * Added X surface handler. * Improved scheduling. * Fixed redraw issues. * Improved keypress handling. * On screen keyboard. * History window. * Configurable window furniture size. * Support for scaled bitmap plotting. * Factored out common plot code for rendering at different bpp. * Load and save cookies file on start and quit. * Improve handling of bitmap opacity.
Also included are many smaller bug fixes, improvements and documentation enhancements.