iBatch 1.0 - Batchprocessing for images
Date 2010/9/27 12:57:23 | Topic: Software News
| iBatch 1.0 (Image Batcher) allows users to easily convert/rename/renumber/resize/rotate a bunch of pictures at once. The pictures to be processed can be collected in a "Batchlist". In order to organize your batchlist ibatch provides a "Viewer" and "Batchlistbrowser" tool. A fast workflow is guaranteed even on slow systems. This is accomplished by using preprocessed thumbnails/preview images for the "Viewer" or "Batchlistbrowser" tool. All thumbnails will be kept in sync with their corresponding source directory. Before you start the "Viewer" tool, iBatch will therefore check for existent thumbnails and add missing thumbnails from the given sourcedir.
The whole program can be perfectly used for organizing/resizing digicam pics. Furthermore it becomes handy, when you have to convert whole image directories at once.
Old ARexx Version (iBatch4b_ger.lha, iBatch4b_eng.lha, iBatch_eng.lha ord iBatch_ger.lha) becomes obsolete. iBatch 1.0 was rewritten from scratch, here are the main advantages/changes:
- integrated thumbnailviewer + batchlistbrowser (no external thumbnailviewer needed anymore) - redesigned GUI, very fast and easy to use - integreted GUI for preferences - it is not an ARexx Script anymore - c:ImageConverter is not required anymore - it is not an AWNPipe base GUI anymore. A Stormwizard Gui was chosen instead. - considered to be more "robust" - progress bar - same executable runs on OS 3 upto OS 4.x - support for locale.library - Preferences File - runs on small screen resolutions as well
Requirements 24Bit picdatatypes, zlib.library, jpeg.library, wizard.library, lots of RAM (at least for digicam pics) and OS3.x. or OS4.x Runs perfectly on my SAM440. Lots of RAM recommended.
All details, screenshots, download.... on www.geobiz.de/ibatch.html iBatch will also appear on Aminet soon...
Gero Birkenfeld