Alinea Computer: Updates of our programs and adoption of the Support Center
Date 2007/4/7 12:25:01 | Topic: Software News
| Wehrheim, Germany, March 7th,2007.
We are glad that we can present to you our new Alinea Computer Support Center and new versions of ANotice and AmiPhoto.
Support Center
 With this Support Center you can easily register our products and get support and updates. Our Support Center will also help you to contact us. In the future we want to expand our "Alinea Computer Support Center". For instance we are planing to upload Beta versions of our products to this site. Then you will have the possibility to use our beta programs (at your own risk) and you don't have to wait for an offical update. Please note that we recommend this service only for experienced users.
Have lots of fun with our new Support Center!
ANotice 2.1 New in version 2.1:
Added: Double Buffering for the windows Added: Shows the last date of change in the title bar Added: Mouse wheel support in the edit mode Changed: Port to GCC4 Changed: Reworked the font engine Changed: New dragbar Changed: Reworked loading and saving routines and some smaller changes and bugfixes
AmiPhoto 1.5.1 Version 1.5.1 changes:
Added: new html themes and a new GUI from Martin Merz (MASONICONS). A big thanks goes to him for this great work. Changed: now you shouldn't be able to load a (unchanged) catalogue twice by mistake Changed: title bar in the main window and the progress window Changed: new French localication from Mehdi Boulahia. Thanks for the translation. and some smaller changes and bugfixes
The updates are only in our Support Center available. Please take a moment to register. Thank you!
If you still don't have our products, you can order these at our newly created OnlineShop.
Alinea Computer wish you happy Easter!