ShowFiles (SF) 0.92 released
Date 2012/12/12 18:25:26 | Topic: Software News
| ShowFiles (SF) is yet another DIR command (written in C). It displays a sorted and text-formatted list of files, drawers (dirs) and soft/hard-links on disk or other storage medium. It will also display their additional information such as size, date, possible comment, executable header type (68k or ELF program), protection-bits, etc, etc.
It supports a number of different options/switches, please type "sf HELP" (alt. "sf --help") for listing all options or type "sf MANUAL" (alt. "sf --manual") for the manual, when in shell after installation. Or look in the .doc-file in the archive.
(ShowFiles was previously named (DF) DisplayFiles.)
Download: http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... shell/showfiles.lha"" rel="external" title="">ShowFiles from OS4Depot
- Abbreviated as SF or just sf - fast and easy to type in the shell. - Dirs/drawers are displayed in blue color (pen 3). - Hard/Softlinks are displayed underscored (underlined). - Shows where any Hard/Softlinks points to. - Possible comments are displayed in italic. - Displays the "primitive" file type of files. - Fetches and identifies executable headers (68k, ELF, EXE, among others). - Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files. - Shows free disk space and sizes in KiB (1024), kB (1000) and bytes. - Options for sorting by size and time/date. - Option for reversing the output list. - Options for displaying only files, dirs or links. Or intermix them. - Option to "trail" files with an initial character ('/', '*' or (at)-char). - Possibility to specify a path to display. - Shows OwnerUID, OwnerGID, UseCount and ObjectID (as reported by DOS). - Supports multiple formats of options/switches (f.ex: TIME --time -t /T). - Supports automatic updates through AmiUpdate. - Written for Amiga on an Amiga.
- Fixed the AutoInstall, hope it works now :) - Fixed bug, "Total size listed is always 0 in the footer." - Changed the footer info so files and dirs are separate, and items is the total of those, among other minor there in the footer.
*** IMPORTANT: A serious bug was found in version 0.9, avoid that version. *** - This release has no new options only bugfixes and improvements. - The first option to be implemented next is ALL. - ShowFiles (SF) was renamed from DisplayFiles (DF) because DF clashed/clashes with the UNIX/Linux command df. - For more info and details see the .doc-file in the archive.