New AmigaOne X1000 Batch & New RadeonHD Driver
Date 2013/4/4 13:31:28 | Topic: Hardware News
| Cardiff, 2nd April 2013
New batch of AmigaOne X1000 approved for production
A-EON Technology is pleased to announce that, due to overwhelming customer demand, we have commissioned another manufacturing run of AmigaOne X1000 systems with our suppliers. We expect to receive new boards from Varisys within 8 to 10 weeks.
Matthew Leaman of AmigaKit, our official distributor commented, "On-going delivery of the AmigaOne X1000 to customers is progressing. We also have a large backlog of customers who have already registered their interest and they will be serviced first from the new manufacturing batch." If you have already registered your interest you need take no further action as you are already in the order queue and will be contacted by AmigaKit to confirm your system specifications as they work through the backorder list. If you no longer wish to reserve your place please contact AmigaKit to remove yourself from the list. If you still wish to register your interest and have not yet done so, please visit the following web link: www.amigakit.com/x1000
Radeon HD version 1.0 RC1 available for download
A-EON Technology is pleased to announce that the first Release Candidate of the RadeonHD driver (Version 1.0 RC1 (0.55) is now available for download by registered AmigaONE X1000 owners from the A-EON Technology website.
Registered customers: www.a-eon.com/?page=download&os=amigaos New customers: www.a-eon.com/radeonhd
The new version fixes a number of minor issues and bugs including:
* Fixed a bug that could cause minor graphics corruption that occurred on a few graphics cards when switching between GPU and CPU based rendering (e.g., the arrow buttons in Directory Opus 4).
* Forces the OS to wait for the GPU to be idle before a soft reboot so that some Radeon HD 5xxx cards don't lock up if the soft-reboot occurs while they're still busy (requiring a hard reset).
* Re-enabled using timer device for longish delays when switching Screenmodes (no busy waiting means more CPU time for other tasks). Added a workaround so that this doesn't prevent soft reboots
* In addition, there have also been minor miscellaneous fixes.
Registered owners of new AmigaOne 500 and selected Sam460 systems purchased directly from ACube can also download the driver. If you own multiple AmigaOS systems you can also purchase additional licences through the same website.
About the Radeon HD driver: The driver supports 2D and Compositing under AmigaOS 4.1 Update 5 with a wide range of Radeon HD PCI graphics cards including: the X1300-X1950 series, HD4000 series, "Evergreen" HD5000 series, "Northern Islands" HD6000 series and now the "Southern Island" HD7000 series. Version 0.54 is fully ready for 3D support to be added by Hyperion Entertainment. Please visit AmigaKit's website to obtain compatible graphics cards.
Link: www.amigakit.com
About the developer: Hans de Ruiter is an electrical & electronic engineer and leading AmigaOS developer and Amiga enthusiast. His website - HDRLab - details various projects, many of which are AmigaOS related. The biggest of these is the RadeonHD driver for AmigaOS, an ambitious project that aims to deliver modern graphics capabilities for the AmigaOS platform.