AmigaOS X11 theme 52.0
Date 2007/4/26 15:49:16 | Topic: Software News
| AmigaOS X11 theme: AmigaOS 4 default style for all borders, ReAction default style in Enlightenment settings, TrueType fonts, AISS and toggle icon bar, alternative iconbox and many more...
Szymon 'SZAMAN' Tomzik - Enlightenment theme Martin 'Mason' Merz - wallpapers and AISS
contact: szymoon(AT)konto(DOT)pl
Download - from eXec, from OS4Depot
Installation: 1. Copy "aosx11" drawer to Cygnix:Home/root/.e16/themes/ 2. Download and install AISS (Enlightenment iconbar uses AISS) 3. Enlightenment/User Menus/Themes - select "aosx11" 4. Enlightenment/Desktop Background Settings - select "X11_1024x768.png" or "X11_1280x1024.png"
Future: Maybe Mason create additional AISS images (ToolbarImages/Contrib/) for X11? Default Amiga X11 theme? Maybe CygnusEd include this theme in next update X11?