New articles on Obligement
Date 2015/11/1 22:21:06 | Topic: Publications
| The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement (http://obligement.free.fr) during the last two months: - September/October 2015 news. - Old articles from Tilt 47 to 52 special edition : Review of Flight Simulator 2, Comparison : Amiga 500 VS Atari ST 520 for the hardware, Review of Time Bandit, Interview with ERE Informatique, Report: CES Winter 1988, Review of Rallye Master, Interview with Elie Kénan (Atari France), Review of Crazy Cars, Interview with Frank Lanne (Commodore France), etc. - Interview with David Pleasance (Commodore UK). - Report: Amiga 30 à Neuss. - Report: Play It Festival. - Review of Wings Battlefield Ultimate Duel Edition. - Review of AmiCraft bêta 3. - Review of Bubble Shooter DX. - Hardware: AmiVR. - Hardware: Industrial Disk On Module IDE 4 Go. - Tutorial: utilization of VNC on MorphOS with VNC Server and TwinVNC. - Special quizz about the Amiga 500.
Articles in english:
- Interview with David Pleasance.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this nice reading. All translations are welcome. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.