New PPaint 7.3b for AmigaOS4 available on AMIStore
Date 2016/8/5 16:55:32 | Topic: Amiga Events
| A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce a new version of Personal Paint for AmigaOS 4.1. The new version is free of charge upgrade for existing 7.3 customers now on AMIStore Amiga App Store. An updated version for OS3 will follow shortly.
 The new 7.3b version is a maintainence release. Additionally, the distribution and installation have been brought in line with the recent Enhancer Software standards, with InfoWindow tool documentation viewing and optional black style icons designed by Martin "Mason" Merz.

If you do not yet own PPaint, you can purchase this new version by either visiting the official website (www.ppaint.com) or on the AMIStore App Store.
In 2015, Personal Paint for the Amiga was purchased by A-EON Technology Ltd and is being further developed by Andy Broad, member of the AmigaDeveloper.com Team. In keeping with our commitment to providing new quality software for the AmigaONE X1000, AmigaOS 4.1 compatible and Classic Amiga computers, expect further upgrades and enhancements to PPaint.
