Qt 4.7 update ready for download + JuffEd
Date 2016/8/11 11:10:00 | Topic: Software News
| A brand new version of Qt4.7 has been uploaded to the sourceforge page!

This version solves a number of issues with OS4.1 Final Edition and Qt apps like Wally, JuffEd and others.
Users with an already running Qt version should choose 'update' in the installer. Otherwise 'install at new location' should work for people, who are using Qt for the first time or have set up a clean partition from scratch.
***** JuffEd ** JuffEd is a very complete tabbed texteditor with syntax sensitivity, auto completion and a number of other features and plugins.
It is the perfect alternative to MultiEdit, if you have a fast machine. From the latest version it supports
- singular instance technology (only one instance of the app is open at any time) - drag and drop of documents to the app icon - start from cli (remember to have a stack setting in your shell-startup)
Download from the sourceforge page:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtami ... pload_just_completed=true