Dir Me Up 3.20 released for AmigaOS 4.1!
Date 2017/4/17 18:35:35 | Topic: Software News
| Dir Me Up 3.20, the modern Amiga explorer, has been released for AmigaOS 4.1 computers!
Dir Me Up, a software to explore and manipulate files, links and drawers of your Amiga.

What's new - List of volumes/assigns automatically refreshed (for example, when inserting a USB key). - When a location is updated, the view doesn't come back to the top of the list. - List view / If the window was resized while DirMeUp was scanning a location, listbrowser entries showed garbled text: fixed. - List view / Better colors for the listbrowser when using a low colors graphical theme ("classimple" for example). - Icon view / When duplicating one or more elements, the location is updated without going back to the top of the list. - Icon view / When editing rights on one or more elements, the list is no longer updated (information not visible in icon view). - Icon view / When editing the comment on one or more elements, the list is no longer updated (information not visible in icon view). - Icon view / Runtime error if the last bookmark was removed: fixed. - List / Keyboard shortcut "Select all" (+) activated on QWERTY/QWERTZ keyboards. - List, Preview / The size of files over 20 GB was incorrect: fixed. - Creation of a drawer / An error message is displayed if the name of the drawer starts with a / (not valid). - Localization / German translations added. - Localization / Spanish translation improved. - ...
As usual, this update is free for all registered users and has been sent to them. Don't forget to add our e-mail in your adress book to avoid the SPAM filter. If you didn't get it, contact us.
A tutorial is available online in English or Greek.
More details on our website.
You can download a demo allowing (only) browsing here or there.
Dir Me Up, improve your Amiga!