AOrganiser 2.1 Released on AmiStore
Date 2017/6/6 10:28:52 | Topic: Software News
| It's a great pleasure to be able to finally announce the first commercial release of my powerful diary / calendaring application on AmiStore.

Starting from the 1.4 release over 350 hours of work were put into to add a extensive range of features, to give AmigaOS the most powerful, modern diary program to date.
The diary keeps its traditional look, but adds the ability to fully customise colour scheme and fonts. A new custom gadget was created to ease display of events in the main windows (also uses custom fonts colours). The existing builtin calendar gadget was extended to allow highlight of the current day and the selected event, and is now used in a new date requester, to ease entering of new dates.
The events have been extended to allow several new fields, such as location, multiline notes of arbitrary size, event organiser.
Support for alarms has been added allowing as many alarms as you like to fire both before an after the event.
Alarms may trigger notifications, alert requesters, play sounds or runs scripts and commands, and send emails. Alarms can beset to 'local' which means they are not altered by the server when syncing...
Which leads on to probably the most exciting new feature is the ability sync AOrganiser with you google calendar enabled device via CalDAV. Fully secure, permission to access you diary information is granted via the OAuth2.0 protocol.
A simple wizard guides you through setting up the access to google calendar and once complete you can share you diary with you phone, tablet and if you must your PC!
More CalDAV servers types will be added in future versions subject to user demand and feedback.
The ARexx interface has been massively extended and AOrganiser also comes with a powerful set of python modules, allowing great opportunity for customising and extending.
Examples scripts include an powerful integrated search function that uses AmigaDOS patterns to find events via any suitable field, within user defined time ranges.
More information available: