Dir Me Up 3.60 released for AmigaOS 4.1
Date 2017/7/7 1:29:50 | Topic: Software News
| Dir Me Up 3.60, the modern Amiga explorer, has been released for AmigaOS 4.1 computers!
Dir Me Up, a software to explore and manipulate files, links and drawers of your Amiga.
What's new - Archiving can now be done also in lzx, zip and 7-Zip (use of third party software). - Archiving / The archive is selected after processing. - Archiving / The archiving of an empty directory did not work: fixed. - All selected volumes now saved, whatever their type (volumes, bookmarks, searches, ...). - Running / Script detection improved (use of .info if available). - Duplication / The files created are selected after processing (previously, the files to be duplicated). - Search - Preview / Creation, refresh dates and duration added. - Bookmarks - Preview / Full bookmark name added. - Prefs / If a third party software is not correct, the associated zone is reversed video. - Prefs - "Third-party software" tab / Vertical alignment of software labels. - Prefs / Lzx extension added as an archive. - [Amiga]+[Delete] key shortcut added to remove the selected search (if another view is selected, this resets the filter/search area as before). - Keyboard shortcuts added to confirm/cancel (in addition to the [Enter] and [Esc] keys). - Localization / Italian and Spanish translations added and improved. - ...
As usual, this update is free for all registered users and has been sent to them. Don't forget to add our e-mail in your adress book to avoid the SPAM filter. If you didn't get it, contact us.
A video of the 3.02 update is online.
A tutorial is available online in English or Greek.
More details on our website.
You can download a demo allowing (only) browsing here or there.
Dir Me Up, improve your Amiga!
