Enhancer Software v1.3 Released (OS4)
Date 2017/7/27 9:49:19 | Topic: Software News
| Enhancer Software Package v1.3 Further enhancing your AmigaOS PowerPC experience
Cardiff, July 19th 2017
A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce that the new Enhancer Software v1.3 has been released on AMIStore App Store for OS 4. The Enhancer Software is a collection of utilities, commodities, classes, datatypes and libraries with the aim of enhancing the AmigaOS experience. It is the result of about six months worth of hard work by the AmigaDeveloper.com Team.
V1.3 is the third major update to the Enhancer Software package in the last year and is the most ambitious release to date. It introduces a host of new features, utilities and updates which further enhance the AmigaOS experience.
As with the earlier V1.2 release the new update delivers three distinct feature rich editions:
* The Plus Edition with latest advanced RadeonHD v2.22 graphic drivers, Warp3D Nova v1.41, OpenGL ES 2.0 v1.15 and the full Workbench CANDI package.
* The Standard Edition with the latest RadeonHD v1.21 graphics drivers, Warp3D Nova v1.41, OpenGL ES 2.0 v1.15 and a reduced subset of four Workbench CANDI backdrops.
* The Special Edition version for older AmigaOne and compatible models, including Classic PowerPC and PowerPC emulation.
New in the Plus & Standard Enhancer Software editions:
* RadeonHD drivers v2.22 & v1.21 now support UHD 4K screenmodes on HDMI 1.3+ monitors. * Warp3D Nova & Warp3D Nova SI library v1.41 with 4K Warp3D Nova demo. * OpenGLES library v1.15.
New features included in all three editions: * Updater utility: keep your Enhancer Software and AMIStore purchases fully up to date. * AmiSphere Server & Preferences to control AMIStore logins and passwords. * USB PTP driver with iOS support. * New Gadgets classes: ListViewer, Thumblist and Anim. * Animated icons in Ringhio Notifications Server supporting new Anim gadget class. * TuneNet now supports Shoutcast v2 API and animated notifications during station scanning & playback. * New Libraries: Codesets, Z and EXIF. * Multiviewer now supports EXIF lib with added snapshot function and auto JPEG image rotation. * New SystemReboot command.
Updates included in all editions: * Time, Sound, Notification preferences and Format command. * MultiEdit, Clock, Calendar, Exchanger and X-Dock utilities. * Clock and SliderBar Gadget Classes. * InfoWindow Class. * MPEGA and WAV Datatypes.
Special Thanks A special thanks to the AmigaDeveloper.com team of developers, translators and beta testers who contributed to the v1.3 release.
The team has worked hard over the months, dedicating large amounts of time to create this release and establish a solid software foundation for future developments.
For more information please visit: wiki.amiga.org/enhancersoftware

TuneNet has been now updated to support Shoutcast v2 API support. The UI has been reworked under the "Internet Radio" section with a Genre Select Gadget button where users can choose their favourite music genre and filter the radio station search results.

Animated images inside Ringhio Notification bubbles as well as optional progress bar support:
Any software you purchase with an AmiSphere serial key label on the back can be registered inside Updater and it will automatically get added to your purchases list. When the software is updated, it is displayed in Updater and you can download the upgrade quickly and easily with a few clicks

Here is the picture attachment of the orange progressbar gadget in SystemReboot. Once it reaches a "critical" level to signify that the system is imminently going to restart (in 6 seconds in this example).

What has changed in this release?
SystemReboot v53.3 (new addition)
Devs (new section added)
USB PTP driver v53.24: with support for iOS devices and multiple devices (new addition)
InfoWindow Class v53.8 (updated)
MPEGA Datatype Class v53.26 (updated) WAV Datatype Class v53.26 (updated)
Clock Gadget Class v53.1 (updated) SliderBar Gadget Class v53.19 (updated) ListViewer Gadget Class v53.3 (new addition) Thumblist Gadget Class v53.10 (new addition) Anim Gadget Class v3.4 (new addition)
RadeonHD driver v2.22: UHD screenmodes now work on HDMI 1.3+ monitors. (updated)
Z library v53.6 (new addition) Codesets library v6.20 (new addition) EXIF library v53.1 (new addition) OGLES2 library v1.15 (updated) Warp3D Nova Library v1.41 (updated) Warp3D Nova SI Library v1.41 (updated)
AmiSphereServer v53.27 (new addition) Format v53.32 (updated) Updater v53.35 (new addition) NotificationServer v53.72: now supports Anim Gadget Class inside Notification bubble windows. Pen corruption fix. (updated)
Calendar v53.25 (updated) Clock v53.23 (updated) MultiEdit v1.5 (updated) MultiViewer v2.9: now supports EXIF library, added Snapshot function, auto JPEG image rotation, important bug fixes (updated) TuneNet v2.7: now supports Animated Notifications during playback and scanning radio stations, support for Shoutcast v2 API (updated) X-Dock v0.46: now supports optional user defined spaces between icons. Various minor bug fixes (updated)
Exchanger v1.3 (updated)
AmiSphere Preferences v53.26 (new addition) Notification Preferences v53.72: now use SliderBar Gadget Class and ListViewer Gadget Class. NotificationServer version information now shown under Server tab. Now supports GUIMAGES tooltype (updated) Time Preferences v53.20 (updated) Sound Preferences v53.23: added CLI argument "modesettings" that will open the Sound Prefs with the Mode Settings tab page active.Fixed wrong binary name determination on startup, EMU10k AHI driver volume fix (updated)