New articles on Obligement
Date 2018/1/1 11:53:51 | Topic: Publications
| The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement (http://obligement.free.fr) during the last two months:
- November/December 2017 news. - Old articles from Tilt 109 to 117 : News: Next games from Team 17, Review of Whale's Voyage, Review of Genesia, Interview with Andy Blazdell, Report: European Computer Trade Show April 1993, News: Goal!, the worthy successor of Kick Off, Review of Sleepwalker, File: video games and epilepsy, Report: Consumer Electronics Show 1993 Winter, Review of Alien Breed Special Edition 1992, etc. - Interview with Hugues Nouvel (AmigaOS 4 developper). - Interview with Susumu Hirasawa (musician on Amiga). - Interview with Ronald Pieket (Silkworm and SWIV developper). - Hardware : Amiga 2000. - File: Classic Reflections - Whatever happened to DCE? - File: 10 years of Icaros Desktop. - File: Why was DiskDoctor so spectacularly bad at its job? - File: Amiga History (year 2003). - Tutorial: Make the Workbench more beautiful. - Programmation: AMOS (the conditions). - Special quizz about AMOS.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this nice reading. All translations are welcome. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.