BOH ADVANCE released
Date 2018/3/11 0:12:44 | Topic: Software News
| Today BOH receives the 18th free update, a massive update that closes its almost 11 years long development life, brings new features, new missions (for a total of 100!), and countless other improvements, and earns the game the ADVANCE tag.

BOH ADVANCE can be purchased from itch.io. The current owners of a copy can download the updated version for free from the same address (who does not have an itch.io key can get one from https://www.retream.com/BOH/get_key.php?code=<CODE>, where <CODE> is the personal copy code). The update is performed by installing the new version over the old one using the supplied installer.
This update: * adds 23 new missions: * most of them are very easy to average; * many of them are based on unusual and different design/logic; * some of them make use of the new features introduced by this update; * some of them are multi-phase and multi-mission; * fixes/improves pre-existing missions (also making use of the new features); * increases the chances of finding a recharge in explosive objects from 25% to 33%; * adds levels labels; * adds the disabling of message points; * avoids the teleporting of the EM to the same square of the RM or a square too close to it, even when the RM is on a square which does not have walkable squares around (this avoids multiple consecutive collisions that quickly drain the shield); * avoids that damage is done to the shield while an enemy is hit (this, in practice, fixes for good the repeated EM-RM collisions issue that, in rare cases, might have caused an almost instant death); * makes the auto-orientation of connected staircases choose the best orientation context-wise and RM-wise; * adds a rendered-on-the-fly background to mission information and pause screens; * excludes the video modes with dimensions bigger than the desktop's; * replaces the stars with thumbs-up icons for resolutions; * allows the handling of special events/keys while displaying a notice; * removes the joypad analogue axis support; * reworks controls reconfiguration: * adds an end notification; * changes the joypad actions; * removes the aborting by means of [ESCAPE]; * removes the overlapping of button and keys flags; * makes other changes; * improves the themes settings: * reworks the configuration handling; * adds [F2] for quick switching; * improved the themes: * touches up the wallpapers of the themes "Sci-Fi" and "Underground"; * fixes/improves the rotating lamp graphics in the themes "C64" and "Sci-Fi"; * optimizes/improves: * the handling of levels lighting; * the allocation and referencing of enemies objects; * the EM spawning and AI; * the universal function for the interpolated rotation of BGRA graphics; * the tiles handling module; * the controls handling; * the screenshot grabbing; * the SDL initialization; * some code bits here and there; * replaces Mix_Volume() with Mix_Pause() + Mix_Resume() to (un)pause sounds when the game gets (un)paused (this hopefully fixes the occasional sounds corruption on Windows); * fixes the picking up of the aiming device (the check was broken, so it was possible to pick it up multiple times); * fixes the printing of the levels number (the last digit of levels (-)100-109 was not printed); * fixes the loop counters usage in m_CreateMap() to allow more than 65535 permanent animations; * fixes the disappearing of information in the menu when an alphanumeric key was pressed (the handler returned an action insted of doing nothing); * fixes the error message and the log file name reported by records submission; * fixes the work path on Windows (%TMP% was statically expanded at compile time); * adapts the code to the latest version of the custom framework the game is built on; * improves the icons: * adds more icons; * touches up graphics; * adds the icon size choice to the AmigaOS and AROS installers; * fixes the MacOs and Windows icons sizes; * fixes/improves/updates both the user's and the developer's manual; * reworks/updates the artwork; * fixed/improves the installers; * brings other minor changes/improvements/optimizations.
About BOH
BOH is a new retro dungeon crawler which makes you feel as if you were actually lost in treacherous dungeons. It looks and feels unlike anything else, and provides a fascinatingly immersive video gaming experience.
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