New articles on Obligement

Date 2021/7/2 6:09:12 | Topic: Publications

The following articles have been added to the website of the Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

- May/June 2021 news.
- Old articles from Joystick 22 to 25: News: Ocean's five future stars, News: Software Business tries to stand out, Review of Alcatraz, Interview with Ian Hadley, Review of test, Review of Mercenary 3: The Dion Crisis, News: Electronic Arts prepares titles for 1992, Review of Devious Design, Review of Volfied, News: Origin, the expansion, Interview with Laurant Weill, Review of Final Fight, etc.
- Interview with Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc (developer of AmiModRadio).
- Interview with Vojin Vidanovic (Vampire user).
- Interview with Hugo Pereira (Vampire user).
- Interview with José Gonzáles (graphic designer).
- Interview with Sam Dyer (publisher Bitmap Books).
- Test of Me And My Shadow.
- File: What happened to RBM Digitaltechnik?
- File: Behind the scenes of the development of Globulus.
- Point of view: Rave and gadget ToolBar, the synergy of projects.
- Tutorial: Frequently asked questions for AmigaOS 3.2.
- Tutorial: Mounting network drives on MorphOS.
- Gallery: La Satire du Jet D'Ail (updated).
- Special quiz about DKB.

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This article comes from The Amigans website

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