New articles on Obligement
Date 2024/3/2 20:48:46 | Topic: Publications
| The following articles have been added to the website of the Amiga magazine Obligement (http://obligement.free.fr) during the last two months: - News from January/February 2024. - Old articles from Generation 4 10 to 12: News: The race for arcade game licences 1989, Interview with Gary Bracey, Review of Zork Zero, Review of Space Quest 3, News: Transputers and new architectures, Report: Imagina 1989, Review of Cybernoid 2, Review of Gold Rush!, Review of The Games: Winter Edition, etc. - Interview with Brian Hartley (graphic designer of Micro Machines). - Review of Reshoot Proxima 3. - The best of Byte in September 1986. - File: The tools included in MorphOS. - File: The history of Lemmings. - File: Uridium 2 graphics. - File: Amiga Games List (updated). - File: The "Juggler" animation (updated). - Hardware: FastATA 1200 MK-V. - Hardware: Tank Mouse. - Tutorial: Data transfer between Amiga and Linux with APCComm. - Programming: Creating a demo - chapter 2, part 2, bit plans. - Special quiz on the year 2023 on the Amiga.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this nice reading. Our X page: https://twitter.com/obligement Feel free to contribute. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.