New articles on Obligement
Date 2008/3/1 21:08:59 | Topic: Publications
| The following articles have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement (http://obligement.free.fr) during the last two months :
- Amiga and MorphOS news of january/february 2008. - Old Amiga news of november/december 1999. - News : the death of the HD DVD. - Interview with Andreas Magerl (editor of Amiga Future). - Review of YAM 2.5. - Review of Tubexx. - Review of Project-X. - Review of Wings. - Review of Step Five. - Hardware : Minimig. - Point of view : the AmigaOS 4 objective in Amiga history. - File : messages of developers for crackers. - File : History of the Amiga - year 1995 and 1996 (update). - Tutorial : transfert files between two Amigas via serial port or Ethernet port. - Quizz of the year 2007. - Quizz about Project-X.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this nice reading.