Word Me Up XXL goes Hungarian!
Date 2008/3/16 18:19:21 | Topic: Software News
| Word Me Up XXL is now fully localized in Hungarian. Being a truly international game, Word Me Up XXL is available in ten languages: French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Latin American Spanish, Polish and Hungarian.
This first update also adds improvements with Spanish translations. Don't forget to register your copy to get it. Note that we're looking for someone that could help us with a Portugese translation. Game is already available for AmigaOS 4.0 and a MorphOS version is in progress (70% done).
Some bill-boards are integrated to game, as you can see there. If you've created software or game for MorphOS, please contact us to benefit from these free adverts.
You can download a free demo containing 4 levels: - On OS4 Depot - On our website here or there
With WordMeUp XXL, take fun!