PowerPC wrapper available
Date 2008/3/30 0:09:37 | Topic: Software News
| We are pleased to announce that as of today, you can download the WarpOS wrapper library from aminet and os4depot. The library has been updated to work on the very latest AmigaOS 4 and will enable you to run WarpOS applications and play WarpOS games.
This library will open up a range of games, scene demos and applications, however, if it uses Warp3D you may have to use software 3D renderer, which should work fine on an AmigaOne. This is due to how the software was written - if it was written in a correct and system-friendly way, it should work just fine.
The Guru Meditation team in cooperation with Joerg Strohmayer Download
Working applications:
- Adescent Warp3d - ADoomPPC - Alien - AmigaAMP Ext. Engine - AmigaWriter - Artwork Mega Demo 2 - Crossfire 2 - Cybermand - Cyberpi - DeathTrial by mankind - Demo Uten Stil by Bigfoo - Doggy - Dsoab by CdBS - Earth2140 - Feeble Files - Flamingo - FlashMandelWOS - FreeSpace - fxPaint - GemDropX - GLSokoban by Laszlo Voros - Heretic II - Landscape - NeoWarpMame - Madbomber - Mandelbrot Explorer - Nightlong - NoSync by Universe - Payback - PixelOmania - PPCjpeg - Prospec Gear By Mankind - Quake (software 3D only) - ScummVM - Shogo - Simon the Sorcerer II - Software Tycoon} - Sopoblock Warp3D - Suicidal by Potion - Tabletennis - True Reality - Virtual Dumb By Mankind - Virtual Gameboy - Voxelspace - WaveTracer Demo - Wildfire - Wipeout 2097