Amiga Future 77 (March/April 2009) Preview Online
Date 2009/2/17 15:38:15 | Topic: Publications
| The preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future 77 (March/April 2009) are online now.
You can find a first review of SAM440ep-flex in this issue already. In addition there is a review of the recently released AmigaOS 4 SDK and MorphOS 2.2. Of course reviews like EvenMore, Robbo, Warpview and others are not missing too.
On the cover CD you can find the full version of SoundFX besides some other full versions. Furthermore there are about 90 MB of data and sources of the unreleased game Fortress of Fear.
A more detailed description of content and some excerpts can be found at: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=3137
The Amiga Future is available as an English and German print magazine directly from the editorial office and some Amiga dealers. The Amiga Future is obtainable as a single issue and subscription each with or without a cover CD.
We ask all interested users to order it as soon as possible.
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de