Mechanized Assault and Exploration Reloaded for AOS4.x
Date 2009/2/18 1:41:13 | Topic: Software News
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Mechanized Assault and Exploration Reloaded

ABOUT MECHANIED ASSAULT AND EXPLORATION RELOADED is based on INTERPLAY's MECHANIED ASSAULT AND EXPLORATION from 1996. M.A.X. Reloaded is a completly rewritten clone based on the wish of many M.A.X. fanatics to play M.A.X. bugless in multiplayer mode over the Internet using TCP/IP. M.A.X. Reloaded code is based on Michael Moench's "MM's M.A.X.". MM offered the source to the community of maxthegame.de since he had no time for his project any more. 2007 the community decided to go opensource with it and started the M.A.X. Reloaded project. M.A.X. Reloaded is released under the GPLv2. See COPYING and COPYING.README for details.

This remake comes with free graphics replacement, just doubleclick the icon and enjoy the free version.
However, if you have the original MECHANIED ASSAULT AND EXPLORATION release, the engine also accepts that data. I will not go into details on how to use the original game data in this release, as the extractor doesn't work as it should under aos4. I am in contact with the authors, and I have teamed up with them, Up Rough Soundsystem will supply music and soundfx for future releases.
For now you have to use a PC or MAC to extract the original game data if you can't live with the free version. The original game data has different graphics and music/sound effects.
For instructions on how to do this, refer to the MAX Reloaded homepage that is located here: http://www.maxr.org/

Albert Ziegenhagel Bernd Kosmahl Jan Christian Kruse Eiko Oltmanns Thomas Kleiber Paul Grathwohl
Download at the official site. Download at OS4Depot