Amiga Future: Amiga Fever Online
Date 2009/2/23 9:33:00 | Topic: Publications
| With the kind permission of Malte Mundt and the help of Bjoern Berz and Roland W?? all published issues of the German print magazine Amiga Fever are online now at the Amiga Future homepage.
You can download each issue in the Amiga Future download database [1] as PDFs or read the articles in the Amiga Future article database [2] online. For all our readers having a slow internet connection the Amiga Fever issues will be included on the Amiga Future cover CD 77 aswell.
Early January the Amiga Future issue 76 has been published. The German and English print magazine is available directly at the editorial office and some dealers (like AmigaKit, ASB, GGS, Samuli, Vesalia, Voxel...).
And of course we look for many many subscribers :)
[1] http://www.amigafuture.de/downloads.php?cat=35 [2] http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=cat&cat=64
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de