Amigans IRC Channel
Category : Information
Published by orgin on 27-Jun-2007 19:00
To get in contact with fellow amigans in a live chat, you can connect to the IRC network.

Port: 6667
Channel: #amigans

To connect to our IRC server, you can download one of the following IRC clients:
- Wookiechat

If you want to be online from any computer, and you do not want to install an IRC client, we provide a web-based one available at the "Chat > IRC Window" top menu, under the site banner. Clicking on it, a new window will open at, asking you for some user info before you connect to the amigans IRC channel. In case you are already logged in this site, some of the fields will be automatically populated for you. This website is hosted on our servers and no data is sent to third-party companies.

Our IRC channel is also connected with our Discord server, and messages can be exchanged between the two platforms. So, even if you do not see a long list of people in the #Amigans IRC channel, that is not quite accurate, since a lot more are in Discord.

Some channels of interest:
- #Amigans - Our own official channel.
- #Amigadev - An English channel for Amiga developers.

Once joined, you may want to change your nickname using the following command. It would be good to match your nickname in so that people can recognise you. Just type the command into the text input field of the IRC client.
/nick yournick