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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I forget, was it Hyperion or Eyetech that originally got this whole A1/AOS4 thing together?

No, no, no,! Let me correct myself. That was Amiga, Inc. who licensed the hardware development to Eyetech (after which Mai Logic went belly up, suspending that development and production) and the development of the OS to Hyperion and was prepared to license more hardware once a final version OS was released. But then you run into the problem of someone refusing to release a final version OS until they were threatened with court proceedings.

Without Amiga, Inc. none of you would even have A1's or AOS4 in any version.

For those who are brave enough to want to know me better, visit
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Re: HELP: A fellow Amigan today - SELL IT!!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



A friend of mine bought me some used AD&D books a week ago. When he told me it's origin, I had to ask the guy "hey, did you get these from a garbage can", and he couldn't say they weren't, so I threw them away.
He buys and sells odds and ends, but I found out he gets stuff from the garbage too..... It's COMPLETELY put me off of used merchandise.... I was usually against it anyway, but there are things you just CAN'T buy new anymore, right? (Like the original set of AD&D books.)

[slightly OT]
I disagree. If one doesn't use all the A1s (s)he owns, idle ones should be sold.
I also disagree with throwing out useful books (actually the most used book here is mathematical handbook I actually found lying near the grabage can, not the mint condition, but put nicely on the pavement near the can).
You'll be amazed how many old useful stuff libraries put on sale.
And one can buy great used electronics from stereo shops that do trade-ins (bought an amplifier that was still sold new for less than half the price.
And the PC I'm going to use as HTPC here was actually given to me for free (I believe it was to rot in the cornere or thrown away by the previous owner), added to it a quiet PSU, used it untill got my A1 fixed and now building the HT)
[/slightly OT]

Bottom line: if you have spare A)S4-capable hardware - sell it.
If you want AOS4-capable hardware - hunt the used ones down!!!


Resized Image
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
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Re: myX11setup?????????????
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I haven't heard from Edgar Schwan in while on X11 'anything'. I have fell out the X11 loop since the A1 broke after the July Upgrade.

As far as I know he was re-writing Cygnix to remove the problems/conflicts with hardcoding the unix locations, or something like that, and he had said it would take a lot of work/time.
I only mentioned it because it was reviewed in Amiga Future.
I think the Firefox port is reliant on X11 as well, so that may be a reason for the delay.

ps. Soryy to hear about your A1.

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: Last batch of icons . . .
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I don't suppose you have an icon for Shrub, or tree?

They are programs which will display/print/save a volume, directory as a tree structure list. I have it set up on amidock, and the old MUI icon looks really naff on OS4.

I know you have done absolutley loads of icons, and wondered whether one of those already fitted the bill.

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Re: New Tunenet? New DVplayer?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


Many thanks!

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Yes, the wheels have fallen off. But not only regarding the court case.
Everything has sunk to a new low. Everytime I think that it can't get worse, it still does.

Maybe it's time to forget about it once for all. It's to depressing and I can't take it anymore.

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Re: AOS4.0 on the Rebound?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



AmiKit wrote:

you should have moved the "/dream on mode" at the very beginning of your post...

The dream-mode has become the default mode of operation for the remaining Amiga users. Maybe that's why they are still there.

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Re: New Tunenet? New DVplayer?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I'm also interested in hearing some feedback for TuneNet as I'm sure Bean & the crew would be too.

Noooo! Feedback == More Work! Seriously though, it would be nice to hear some comments back from those who saw it at the recent Pianeta show and AmiCon, good, bad or otherwise - we can take it!

Without giving a date all I can say is we are close to releasing a preview version of TuneNet for all to sample. When I say "preview" I mean a usable development version which people can also start building skins with, but with missing features, the odd bug and such like.

The next version isn't so much of a big upgrade in functionality (mainly down to the time spent on the skinnable system), but it does offer the new Skinnable Interface, AHI Device (0-3) in addition to the Music Unit mode audio, independent Reaction/Docky/Skin Interfaces all available under the 1 exe (and at the same time if you so desire), and a lot of internal changes.

One point I'd like to make clear about the upcomming preview, the skinnable interfaces will only feature in single window mode only. IE: Skins with multiple windows (like the WinAmp based seperate playlist, EQ windows etc will not yet be available). However, skins with playlists built into the main window are fine.

To be totally upfront and honest this is everything I've got to do before a preview release can happen:

1/ Complete and get the latest preview version to FuZion so he can implement some features that were broken in his excellent default skin (probably about 4 hours solid work left for me + then some more for FuZion).

(For those of you who like detail specifically:

a/ Adding some additional label types for skins.(DONE)
b/ Fixing a "can't quit" senario if the default skin has errored. (DONE)
c/ Fixing the 3 state repeat mode on the menu! (DONE)
d/ Adding the ability to hide triggered animations when not active (stream anims for example). (DONE)

2/ Bring the documentation up to scratch.DONE

3/ Fix a system font scroll bug which only appears on OS4 beta tester builds. ..and no I'm not a beta tester but I know someone who is kindly testing.50% - possible OS4 beta bug

4/ Make sure the testers are all happy.

5/ Package it all up with FuZion's default skin. [TEST DONE]

6/ Put it on OS4 Depot / Home page with some links to other skins.

7/ See what people think, then start adding the new functionality and multiple skinnable windows.

Right, I hope that's enough info - sorry for no dates. I'll fire up Cubic and get cracking.


Edited by bean on 2007/9/30 21:46:14
Edited by bean on 2007/9/30 21:47:00
Edited by bean on 2007/10/3 22:57:43
Edited by bean on 2007/10/6 10:07:17
OS4.1 + an A1XE with an appetite for batteries!
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Re: Hyperion does poor repairs?
Just popping in
Just popping in

It is old news that Hyperion offered repairs for ppc-boards and
i think it was via a French repair shop but i am not sure.

Here is the link:


Edit: It is not because this board dit not got repaired that all
the rest off the repaired boards are bad too. Btw. i did send
my board to dce a long time ago and it took a long time too.

Edited by Dirk-B on 2007/9/29 23:29:43
A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: Hyperion does poor repairs?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



LiveForIt wrote:

Hyperion properly do not tri repairing it them self, but most have sent it to some one how does for example DCE, DCE does not have the best service record when it comes to reaping things on time.

That doesn't matter at all. When Hyperion accepted the board for repairs, they are responsible for it, even if they subcontract the work.
If they can't send the board back to the owner, they should pay him a refund.

It seems they are equally unreliable keeping hardware promises like they are unable to keep software promises. OS4 for Classics still is not released. But at least someone bothered to bring an empty box to Empoli.

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Re: New Tunenet? New DVplayer?
Just popping in
Just popping in


I'm also interested in hearing some feedback for TuneNet as I'm sure Bean & the crew would be too.


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Re: New Tunenet? New DVplayer?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@Elwood and for all

I really like to run DVPlayer with WMV files as this files
On MPlayer crashes or make a calling to the Grim Reaper.

Anybody knows how to fix it?

Tunenet is very cool too yeah.

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Re: Hyperion's general Amiga-products -page
Just popping in
Just popping in


Sounds good! Hopefully Hyperion's pages open up soon - you can imagine how eager I'm to finish the deal with my first OS4 capable system...

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Re: Last batch of icons . . .


Great work!

Martin "Mason" Merz

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe . . .
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Re: Last batch of icons . . .

... would you allow me to make it public, as it might contain some of your drawer icons. :)


1. What are/where those small icons about I found in the V3_working archive? :)

Previously, I used a different startmenu program that couldn't "scale" icons, so I painted them for use with that.

2. Did you with V4_2 now completely convert (at least) your old icons to dualPNG?

Unfortunately, no. I focused on repainting all the icons in AmiKit.

If I ever get my hands on OS4, then I'll support it too, but it's too frustrating painting for a system I can't use! (plus, they should be in OS4 format rather than DualPNG).

Could you consider doing a trashcan icon, that just looks like all drawers, containing a small trashcan-image?


I combined all three archives, cleaned them up a bit, and added a couple of new icons (including your request).

Ken's Icons v4 (complete?)

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Re: Basilisk 2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Looking forward to your port! Thanks for the effort!

I was wondering, how does Basilisk's networking support
compare with Shapeshifter's?

I used to use Shapeshifter productively and had a VLink
SANA driver that allowed me to "loop" SS back into MiamiDx
for net access from the Mac side.

Now that MiamiDx is dead and we have the obtuse Roadshow
to deal with, I'm wondering if its even possible to get
Basilisk online any more.

Any experience?

Thanks again,


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Re: Anyone know the status of Allegro?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


i am here.
too tired to care atm, been working slave shifts this week,
and right now i am focusing on getting drunk!

i will post some grabs here soon!

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Re: New Tunenet? New DVplayer?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


Oh, ok thanks.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Last batch of icons . . .
Just popping in
Just popping in



thanks for your great work (again). I'd marry just for your drawer-style, right away... erm, kind of. ;)

I want to make an Amiga theme for my Nokia 6233 once my time permits and my right arm is fine again, would you allow me to make it public, as it might contain some of your drawer icons. :)

BTW, non-theme related:

1. What are/where those small icons about I found in the V3_working archive? :)

2. Did you with V4_2 now completely convert (at least) your old icons to dualPNG?

3. Could you consider doing a trashcan icon, that just looks like all drawers, containing a small trashcan-image?


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DosBox speed
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have one question about DosBox,how can I improve its
speed ?
I try to change some settings on the dosbox.config file
but the speed is the same or similar.Cycles,screenmode.etc...

About the screenmode what's the best screenmode that fulfills all on my monitor surface?

In other words how can I view DosBox in real fullscreen
not only 60-65% of the screen?

Any ideas are really appreciated.

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