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Re: The importance of SAM and ACK
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



GregS wrote:
I make no bones about the fact that OS5 developments and hence getting their hands on OS4 code is personally very important to me.

Didn't Mr McEwen say that AmigaphantasyOS5 will not be based on OS4? I am sure he said that it will be a completely new development.
If they would have done anything substantial for OS5, why would they still want OS4?
I am curious to hear a name of a single programmer who is supposedly working on OS5. Do you know any?

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Re: Zombies 3D for AmigaOS 4 coming ?
Just popping in
Just popping in


You can only get an old version of the Racer sources from the hompage. I have no idea which version Proost are using. Maybe they have to start with that old one to prove to the coders they are up to the task, and then they might get the latest one. As the website says: "This project is NOT OpenSource.".

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Re: CLI: Copy with Progress Window?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


you could try a script like this:

.bra {
.ket }
.key source,dest

echo "Copying Zillions of files the hard way" noline
list {source} lformat="echo . noline*ncopy *"%F%N*" *"{dest}*"" >t:copyscript
execute t:copyscript
delete t:copyscript
echo Done.

it will just print a dot for each file copied.

This is totally untested, use at your own risk etc.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


I bought one of those on ebay from a bloke in hong kong ?5 + ?14 delivery, sometimes he puts them up as ?14 and ?5 delivery...

It took 3 or 4 days for delivery and works fine on my ?A1. No software is required, it's a 'wedge' device which means it pretends to be a keyboard.

All configuration (if needed) can be done by scanning bar codes in the manual.

just to prove it works:


Now all we need is some software like dvdpedia / bookpedia / delicious library on the mac, with those you just scan the barcode and they trundle off to amazon etc. to find all the product details, excellent for cataloging your media collection...

Edit: typos

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


barcodewriter does not require a font, but actually draws the code itself, and, since it is written in pure postscript level 2, you can download it to your postscript printer and have its functionality added to your postscript printer's capabilites until the next reset of the printer. I'm not sure how that works in particular, but I know that it should work, and that the claim is made by the author.

You should visit the website and see what this thing can do.

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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


some (if not all) barcode are only a matter of a font,
all you print with a specified font became a barcode.


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Re: More on the court case
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

I think that is a leap. We did get a roadmap beyond 4.0 at one point, I remember it. It had bits showing when Intent would get "hosted" etc. However, in the case that my memory is incorrect, it sayes in the contract that the rights to 4.1 and beyond revert to Amiga Inc, so how could they? They would have to be Amiga Inc.s roadmap.

No, we never did get an updated roadmap at all. I would have noticed since I've been asking McEwen, Hermans, etc. for one for years.


Hyperion should sell the lot to Amiga Inc. and go back to making games or whatever. Don't even bother partnering, sell it all. Just make sure you don't accept a cheque...

But the point is, Hyperion doesn't own the rights to all of what you have on the CD, and never claimed they did.

My point is that Hyperion is standing in the way of Amiga Inc. No they don't have all the rights to everything but that doesn't matter. Sell it all to Amiga Inc. and let them renegotiate third party contracts. Easy as that. The way it is now both sides are blocking each other and that just sucks.

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: The importance of SAM and ACK
Just popping in
Just popping in


I agree that it needs to be released on ACUBE. I have my own opinions about the ACK thing that I probably should keep to myself.

New hardware, and cheap hardware, will breathe new life into the platform even if in computing terms it remains a minnow.


The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: CLI: Copy with Progress Window?


I know, I know, but it looks not 'stylish'

Martin "Mason" Merz

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe . . .
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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Just popping in
Just popping in



GregS wrote:

what was the cost?

Approx.: 75 USD

Resized Image

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Re: CLI: Copy with Progress Window?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Even as I more thought about a parameter for the standard copy comand.

The standard copy command prints the names of the files, this is a kind of progress indicator. Maybe it is the simplest to not use >NIL: ?

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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Just popping in
Just popping in


what was the cost?

A cheap Bar code reader, printer support would be very useful for many things, not the least keeping track of printed documents.

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Re: CLI: Copy with Progress Window?


Thanks for the suggestions!
I will have a look at it.

Even as I more thought about a parameter for the standard copy comand.

Martin "Mason" Merz

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe . . .
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Re: More on the court case
Just popping in
Just popping in


Yes well we both know that the community is full of jackals with a small group of genuine individuals wanting to use a computer!

I doubt Amiga Inc had to spend all night debating that sacrifice.

But I totally agree with you, we don't just need AmigaOS4.0 to build some kind of technical foundation on and a buzz, but some kind of future regardless of the "community".

In the court documents there is a submission which shows an email where Hyperion point out they have been willing to go into arbitration for a long while because it is cheaper than hiring lawyers and Amiga Inc has consistently refused.

I doubt that now Amiga Inc has started to spend money on 4 attorneys and is supposed to be putting 2 million into some backwater stadium for publicity for a product suite they don't even have they really want to back down but force a settlement in their favour.

Whether or not I would ever buy a product from Amiga Inc with the current management at the helm or not is a personal choice and I have to say I most definately would not. But that is simply a point of principle now. They have wasted nearly 8 years now with the only good thing to show for it being AmigaOS4.0 which they are busily trying to block.

A final note, I can't claim to be "well informed" or even at the center of things. I never was nor will I be. But enough hard information came my way to see this face off coming a long time ago.

The funniest thing at the moment is seeing the very same characters online who were desperate to prove that Amiga Inc was "bankrupt" or "insolvent" after the Bolton Peck judgement and the McEwen deposition to the Amiga/Thendic court case now just as desperately trying to prove they weren't.

Edited by Mitch on 2007/6/9 9:20:24
The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: More on the court case
Just popping in
Just popping in


For what it is worth, your "assertions" pretty well fit the picture as I have guessed. Of course you seem to be in a position to know more of things. Assertions which make logical sense, have to be respected, proving them is needless, they seem to fit things rather well and that is enough.

I am praying for arbitration that will force these companies to work together in a structured way.

The reason I liked AOS4 is because of its user friendliness. And OS5 because in general it is the way to go. Uniting the two makes very good sense.

I believe good arbitration would actually be good for all concerned, however, legal arbitration is not always that insightful.

To continue the legal battle would be pointless, by the time it had ended the window of opportunity will be well and truly closed.

This year is the critical one. If all this lo some workable solution good, but if it gets drawn out, well for my money I will be looking elsewhere for solutions again.

To be brutal, I don't care much about the community, what I care about is having the computer solution for our times, and despite the naysayers the AOS4 response was a very good one.

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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Just popping in
Just popping in



GregS wrote:

Too right!

The bar code readers are the problem. If we could find a good one that was cheap and robust and supported that with drivers. Amiga would be putting in some of the infrastructure for the future.

I have one and that is not a problem. It has a simple ps/2 keyboard output that generates keyboard sequences. So it is working on anything with a PS/2 port.

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Re: More on the court case
Just popping in
Just popping in


Actually I think your logic is without fault, except for one point, but that is due to lack of information on the table.

What I am about to assert I can't back up in public. I freely admit this, so I am going to present it very carefully as speculation to avoid defamation of character or being pulled into a court case myself. So what follows is, as they say "pure fiction", read into it what you will:


1. Back in the days of the Thendic/Amiga court case, it was obvious that Bill Buck was actually after the OS4 name/brands and rights. Ben Hermans and Alan Redhouse were screaming at Bill McEwen to get into court and pay for a lawyer, I think they might even have offerred to pay them at one point.

2. We know what happenned, Bill Buck tried to claim rights to the brand and source and was rebuffed by an unsympathetic court. KMOS as we know now where buying out Amiga Inc. The court case was handled as a rearguard action but at the time neither Eyetech nor Hyperion were made aware that the rights had been transferred.

3. KMOS had been told they had full rights to OS4 source and documentation and then found out they didn't actually. They really had full rights to DE, the brand and trademarks (but diluted by an existing contract with Hyperion ). I would guess this was the source of the SECOND argument with Hyperion. Also I would say this must have made ITEC pretty pissed off with Amiga Inc for breaching a fundamental term of the contract - that written notice was required. Especially when you see that the rights had been transferred when Bolton Peck had his dispute with Amiga Inc!

4. KMOS and Hyperion established a working relationship to bring AmigaOS4 as a executable demonstrator package onto the PDA reference design by IBM.

5. In the meantime it seems that KMOS/Amiga Inc were really interested in playing hardball. This doesn't surprise me as Garry Hare was an incredibly savvy operator. I believe that it was he that first realised the best strategy with the Thendic/Amiga case was to handle it as a nuisance and not a threat. This is definately a rumour though.

6. The strategy, was to push Hyperion back into negotiation with Amiga Inc. This was through applying stress to various points of the contract. You might ask why (4)? Well that is how businesses work. If you are aggressive and resort immediately to a court case you are just forcing your opponent to dig heels in. By subtly applying pressure you get what you want. Either side of the contract is almost useless without the other.

7. The pressure took the forms of refusing to accept new hardware partners as this was the only control that Amiga Inc had on AmigaOS 4.0 ( they still wouldn't have been able to get any money from it but the intellectual property would revert ).

8. The impasse has now reached a point where it is in the court, and Amiga Inc blinked first seeing the ACube announcement as an excuse to bring Hyperion into the dock.

9. Now the terms will be tested, will rights return to Amiga Inc, or transfer to Hyperion, or will the status quo return?

At some point Hyperion would have had to shut Amiga Inc out of their change control system, and throw them off their mailing lists. When that point was will be an indicator of when the realised what KMOS was up to. The project developers will know exactly what that date was if it took place.

I would guess that it would have had to have been as soon as they realised that KMOS thought they had full rights to demand it - after the Thendic/Amiga lawsuit. Probably some amount of time for both parties to size each other up properly. Say 11 months later?

I think that Amiga Inc has followed a distinct and almost brilliant strategy here. However I think also it was pretty obvious from early on, and Hyperion and its developers have taken measures to protect themselves.

So instead of all this boo hoo crap for Hyperion and Amiga Inc, let us be honest with ourselves. They both saw this coming, and they both needed it to happen. KMOS/Amiga Inc want full rights reverted to them and have since the start, and Hyperion want full rights reverted to them. Whatever, they both need clarity.

If Amiga Inc transferred rights whilst failed to inform their partners in the contract then they are in significant material breach of the contract. Add to that their inability to fulfill the original terms of the contract - deliver OS3.1 source code - they are in material breach twice.

This is why it isn't cut and dried, regardless of motivation, both parties aren't acting for "the good of the community" but it is the endgame of a very clever chess game played by both of them.

This is why I can't see them EVER working with each other again. I also can't blame either party from a purely business point of view.

From a moral point of view, from a benefit to the community point of view, I think Amiga Inc has fucked up the market for AmigaOS4 for the last 3 years and sacrificed it deliberately because they saw regaining the source code on the best possible terms for them as far more important.

What else could they do I suppose? Business isn't about altruism, but let nobody be fooled here, this is what the motivation really is - business.

Why though..... the project is of so little value now.

Edited by Mitch on 2007/6/9 8:48:46
The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: More on the court case
Just popping in
Just popping in

Heh lot to read this morning, I'm going to be a while before I reply to everything!



To me it looks like Hyperion is trying to grab as much as they can get and run. It isn't Amiga Inc's fault Hyperion sunk a million bucks into OS4 knowing full well they could lose it all for $25k.

Well OK but I'd be agreeing with you if it was Hyperion bringing the court case. My take on it is that the $25k does not buy in to the complete package that is AmigaOS4. Under the terms of the contract what it buys is quite limited. On the other hand, I don't think that Hyperion should be shpping their current product as "AmigaOS4.0" but "AmigaOS4" ( the libraries etc ) PLUS "Extensions". But that is a syntactic issue but will go to the heart of what the court decides Amiga Inc is entitled to.

But it isn't a straight contract "we pay you X and you do the work on Y". It has many other clauses that speak about revenue rights. It is common for a product to be comissioned either at a high price for exclusive rights, or a lower price with some rights assigned to the developer in compensation.

And here is the key point.

Amiga Inc want to dissolve the contract, and claim they already have (see 1). This means that Hyperion won't just lose the source, but revenue rights too. This amounts to more than just 25k.

So if I was the developer I would say that I need 30 days to fulfill the delivery of source. I would then strip anything out that was not covered under the original contract, go back through the library system to the 68k versions of the libraries and license petunia. Given WarpOS is already "available" the terms are fulfilled.

However what you have to think about is that Amiga Inc were originally in breach. Once a breach occurs a business has two choices. (a) Enforce it formally. (b) Grow the remit contract organically to fulfil the spirit of the contract.

So to me it seems that Hyperion have done (b), they have consistently bent over backwards and delivered far more than they were asked for.

(1) But they aren't so confident that they have correctly annulled the contract because they have put 25k into bond to fulfil the terms of it!


Maybe this risk will pay off or maybe not but I must say taking such a large risk was a real stupid move by Hyperion's management in the first place. They are insolvent, they are not the same company, you can't serve us in English, you don't have jurisdiction, it was finished on this date; no wait, this other date, etc. Please spare us the bad acting. Looks to me like Hyperion risked it all on nothing but a whim and now they are being challenged.

These are all valid points though. When you are being attacked legally you have to build a defense whether it be on nit picking points or substantive points you have to do it. But I appreciate your perspective.


I always wondered why Hyperion refused to give us all a product road map beyond 4.0. Why the feature list kept changing and never really proclaimed "finished" until Dec. 2006. Now we know why. They were hoping not to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

I think that is a leap. We did get a roadmap beyond 4.0 at one point, I remember it. It had bits showing when Intent would get "hosted" etc. However, in the case that my memory is incorrect, it sayes in the contract that the rights to 4.1 and beyond revert to Amiga Inc, so how could they? They would have to be Amiga Inc.s roadmap.


I'm not an Amiga Inc. fan but they are obviously not going to just go away and they have the Amiga brand. I seriously doubt Hyperion has the money to go the other way around.

Well yes, but just having the brand isn't enough, I've said before how a contract dilutes rights in a specific way. Of course Amiga Inc can't just go away, that is obvious. If they do they are accepting a challenge to their rights and the value of their company ( what there is of it ) diminishes accordingly.


Hyperion should sell the lot to Amiga Inc. and go back to making games or whatever. Don't even bother partnering, sell it all. Just make sure you don't accept a cheque...

But the point is, Hyperion doesn't own the rights to all of what you have on the CD, and never claimed they did.

The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: Barcode Generator Written in Postscript Level 2
Just popping in
Just popping in


Too right!

The bar code readers are the problem. If we could find a good one that was cheap and robust and supported that with drivers. Amiga would be putting in some of the infrastructure for the future.

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Re: The importance of SAM and ACK
Just popping in
Just popping in


PS I should also mention PSP as a really handy domestic device, which with wifi would make an excellent hand held controller (for TVs as well as waking up PS3 and access to domestic server files (like booking recordings etc).

If Sony was on side, OS4 available and OS5/AmigaAnywhere then the possibilities would be enormous, especially if REBOL was brought into the mix.

With the hovering court case, I hope at least this is the darkness before the dawn.

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