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Re: hidden message
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Shaq d'Amour ?


Amiga Incs headquarters maybe ?

Are we nearly there yet ?
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Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Has anyone tried to port basiliskII on OS4 ?
I saw there is a morphos port.

The point is that there is a decent browser on mac 68k called icab which could fill the browser gap until something is released (paihia, ibrowse, sputnik, amizilla)

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Re: TuneNet Issues and Updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

If i use my mixer to turn down the Master Level down while playing a song, if i then pause using the daemon command pause and unpause, then the song will continue at a much higher volume setting.
How come?

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Re: TuneNet Issues and Updates
Site Builder
Site Builder

I tried to boost the volume beyond 100% and I got a lot of noise in it! I don't know if I have to change something on my Ahi settings, but that's the situation.

Also I'd like to ask you if I can start tunenet from cli with a stream url as a parameter in record mode. I want to put make it start recording a specific internet radio station on a specific time. Is this working?

Thanks for your efforts. Tunenet is a great program. Will you release it for the OS3.x machines, or WarpOS?

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Re: What's the Next "Big Thing(s)"?
Just popping in
Just popping in

a) 4.1?

Most likely.

b) 4.2?
c) 4.3?

Not any time soon.

d) 64 bit implementaion of AOS4.x?

I highly doubt that, there are so many things are tied to 32 bit yet in the OS. Besides it is rather useless. (Bigger code with minimal speed up.) It can be implemented for apps only, this is what I can imagine for AOS in the near future.

e) SMP?

Would be lovely, there are steps to that direction, but will be tough to implement because of how the apps are written and parts of the system designed. (Using forbid for example.)

f) Will (are?) Altivec instructions be PART of AOS? (i.e. part of CLI commands, kernal)

Already some parts of the OS are making use of Altivec. Using it in CLI commands really makes any sense?

g) Will more sections of AOS be made in PPC assembler?

Turning the clock backward? Hardware independency is a key feature, implementing parts in asm would spoil this feature. There are far too many parts are implemented in asm anyway.

h) Multi-user and logins?

I doubt that it is important in the near future, AOS is clearly a desktop OS, preventing mommy/little brother/favourite child to mess around with my precious sources is not what I can picture in my head...
i) Memory protection

It is partly done already, further improvements are aimed. (Guess why apps are crashing badly... )

i, I don't feel that it's absolutely required for an OS to have, and in my mind anyway, I think that neat hacks* and other things, amazing things are possible if this is never implemented.

No hacks, please. I had enough of the uncertainity of AOS3.x because of the "clever hacks", which were required because it was not developed any further. I want stable OS, which punishes badly written apps, no excuses. Let's the coders learn to code, at last.

I think of computers as being a realiable extension of oneself, and therefore you want as much control over it as possible.... It's out to do your bidding (for you of course), when you are elsewhere.

Trying to say what? You don't feel in control yourself if the apps behaving badly and you just don't have a freakin' clue they do?

Does AOS need anything, anything at all more than this to be a current, no, even, ahead of it's time, OS?

AOS was ahead of it's time, say, 15 years ago. Now it is really falling behind the recent OS's, as they learnt most of the revolutionary stuffs, which were only available in AOS 20 years ago. Time for AOS to catch up with their revolutionary functionalities, IMO. (I can name many features what I would like to see in AOS, I bet anybody else could do the same.)

Remember, we are the "FUN" platform. )

I would prefer a "FUN, yet USEFUL" platform.
P.S. Does memory protection prevent code from self modifying?

Memory protection does not prevent any self modification IF it is implemented legally. You have a serious misconception of what memory protection means.

I think that if AI is ever to be achieved, that self modifying code will be a component of it working.

Most likely not, IMO it will be rather implemented as a self-tuning neuron-net construction, which is "executed" by a constant system. But this is science fiction, and has nothing to do with AOS (yet).

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Re: NTFSFileSystem and FATFileSystem on OS4 ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

I have added TD64 support in the drivers, and am now waiting for a betatester to confirm you can now directly use those filesystems.


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What's the Next "Big Thing(s)"?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

a) 4.1?
b) 4.2?
c) 4.3?

d) 64 bit implementaion of AOS4.x?
e) SMP? (Is dual core, or having TWO CPUs on the same MB an identical situation as far as SMP is concerned?)

f) Will (are?) Altivec instructions be PART of AOS? (i.e. part of CLI commands, kernal)

g) Will more sections of AOS be made in PPC assembler?

h) Multi-user and logins?
i) Memory protection

I hope these to be the case; b (is next), f, g.
e is an issue of when will the HW become available. h, I'm against.

i, I don't feel that it's absolutely required for an OS to have, and in my mind anyway, I think that neat hacks* and other things, amazing things are possible if this is never implemented.

Let's leave the "FUN" in computing, where it belongs. Certain shadowy figures are always out to control us, and I feel that computer freedom is one of the last places where induviduals have absolute freedom.

I think of computers as being a realiable extension of oneself, and therefore you want as much control over it as possible.... It's out to do your bidding (for you of course), when you are elsewhere.

Does AOS need anything, anything at all more than this to be a current, no, even, ahead of it's time, OS?

(Let's not get into applications, we ALL know that there aren't enough up-to-date ones out there. BUT, there sure is some terrific, and at least very promising stuff available. Amigans had a much higher percentage of craftsman programmers than the other platforms. Remember, we are the "FUN" platform. )

* Let's not force a closure to hacks, as they are useful, creative and fun.

P.S. Does memory protection prevent code from self modifying? I think that if AI is ever to be achieved, that self modifying code will be a component of it working.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: TuneNet Issues and Updates
Home away from home
Home away from home

Hi Paul,

marvellous release


If i choose Audio Mode: Unit 0: Hifi 16Bit++ instead of the
Music Unit (which, in my case is) ENHYHT24: HIFI 16Bit++, i
can hear IDE noise which doesn't happen when Music unit is
in charge.
Dunno if this is a bug, maybe only a priority problem?

Soemone told me to use Unit0, because it's more compatible
with other programs that want to play sounds, less crashes
and such, but as the Unit produces noise i'll switch back
for now

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Re: Over 1300 files at OS4 Depot
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


Well now there is no "upload to aminet" option on OS4Depot anymore, so one has to upload to both separately, which is a pain in my opinion.

I think most of my files are uploaded to aminet now anyway, I uploaded quite a few of them on friday this week.

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Re: hopefully Soon
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

now this is looking very good indeed

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: Over 1300 files at OS4 Depot
Just popping in
Just popping in

Because when people upload to os4depot they can choose not to allow it on aminet.

Although this was ignored once...

The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: [POLL] Amigans Radio? Or Radio Amigans?
Just popping in
Just popping in

I voted Radio Amigans. Just sounds better for some reason.

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Re: GRR - Timeout
Just popping in
Just popping in

In Ibrowse you can just click the E on the bottom right corner of the Message area box and it brings up a text editor for you. Very cool feature. Though I don't know if that would help with the timeout issue though. But the text editor will stay open at least until you find out if your post went through or not.

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Re: Over 1300 files at OS4 Depot
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

i like your thinking

well why arn,t the other 500 or so there lets fix this and get to number 1

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: hidden message
Just popping in
Just popping in

Is the tumbleweed suppose to represent the Amiga scene?

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Re: Favourite Amiga
Just popping in
Just popping in

Insufficiently milspec

Need a rolling on the floor laughing smiley for this!!!

Has Doomy registered here? He's a 'true' Amigan. None of that toy A1200 stuff in his house!

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Re: hopefully Soon
Just popping in
Just popping in

Open 2
Assigned 1
Closed 462

I'm getting SOOOO excited!

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Re: hopefully Soon

Open 2
Assigned 1
Closed 462

(Just getting into the act!)

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TuneNet Issues and Updates
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Ok, by now you will know that the latest release (V0.84_64) was launched a
few days ago.

Although the release was fairly smooth, I have noted the
following problems from here and other sites:

1/ MP3 tune information sometimes gets messed up.
-> This is caused by Unicode MP3 tags which are not handled by TuneNet.
I have just added some basic conversion support for unicode characters and will
include this in the upcoming service release.

2/ If the MPEGA library was not found by the MP3 plugin then a reaper would
-> Fixed for next service release.

3/ Auto Loading and Saving of playlists annoyed some people!
-> This has now become a preference item.

4/ A crash could occur if you tried to delete an item from an empty playlist.
-> I'm still unable to recreate this one, but I'm looking into it.

If you have any other bugs to report then please post here.
Please try to keep this thread free of feature requests!


OS4.1 + an A1XE with an appetite for batteries!
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Re: Favourite Amiga
Just popping in
Just popping in

A 600 , size...

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