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Re: PM & E-mail

Outcast wrote:
He does the sites "Eye Candy"

In fairness, Mason has done all the "heavy lifting" so far.

I'm a latecomer to the party -- but we'll see if I can't make up for lost time.

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Re: NTFSFileSystem and FATFileSystem on OS4 ?
Just popping in
Just popping in



I revived my A4000T last sunday with OS3.9, I hope I can reinstall OS4 soon to finish some projects that have been frozen since my equipment started to fail.

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Re: Questions about Troika hardware
Just popping in
Just popping in

(reply to moderated post)

The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: Questions about Troika hardware
Just popping in
Just popping in

Edit: And you are fishing for loopholes. Continue and you will be suspended. /Orgin

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Re: NTFSFileSystem and FATFileSystem on OS4 ?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


welcome to amigans

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: Short presentation
Just popping in
Just popping in

Okay, that clears it up. :)


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Re: NTFSFileSystem and FATFileSystem on OS4 ?
Just popping in
Just popping in


joerg wrote:
There are no versions for AmigaOS,

That's not true.


only weird m68k MorphOS binaries which can't work on AmigaOS (not only OS4, they can't work on AmigaOS 2.x and 3.x either - except for HDs smaller than 4 GB, or on larger HDs if the partition you want to access is completely inside the 1st 4 GB of the HD).

That's not true. These m68k binaries are standard AmigaOS binaries. These simply use TD64 system to access >4GB, instead of NSD64. Phase5, individual computers and other manofacturers choosed the TD64 standard.

It works perfectly. Just because OS4 does not support TD64 it doesn't mean that NTFS filesystem doesn't work on AmigaOS3.x.


NTFS isn't supported by CrossDOSFileSystem, and AFAIK there is no NTFS implementation at all for AmigaOS, if the partitions are NTFS you could try to read them with Linux.

You are wrong, current ext2/NTFS filesystems work without problems on real amigas with their standard hardware (including the standard IDE port) and also with 3rd party hardware manofactured by individual computers or phase5. Software like Idefix also uses TD64 system to access >4GB with standard ide port or idefix express, buddha, catweasel, etc...

Would it be difficult to add TD64 support to OS4 so we could have access to other filesystems? It's not a matter of which system is better or worse, it's a problem of accessing more filesystems. AFAIK there's no one working on a NTFS or ext2 filesystem for OS4

Amiga4000T+CSPPC+144MB+Picasso4+Concierto+Delfina Lite+Prometheus(Voodoo3+ Radeon7500+RTL8029), FastATA4000...
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Re: PM & E-mail
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

He does the sites "Eye Candy"

Are we nearly there yet ?
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Re: PM & E-mail
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

What does illusionist mean with regards to rating?

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Re: Short presentation
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes, Its a feature !!

You have posted it in "Free for All" forum.

Posts in this forum do not appear on the front page.

Welcome to amigans.net though. Hope you enjoy your time here.

Are we nearly there yet ?
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Re: PM & E-mail
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

another one to add to the "to do" list

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: PM & E-mail
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Your right. Doesn't appear to be that option available.

Thats one thing I like about phpbb. When you get a pm you also get an email.

When you then log into the site a pop up window appears too.


Illusionist ?


We have a David Blaine amongst us .. Guess that make you ..

The Magician !!

Are we nearly there yet ?
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Re: Short presentation
Just popping in
Just popping in

Okay, something else that's a little fishy. This thread doesn't appear among the recent ones. That's maybe a feature?

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PM & E-mail

Is there a way to receive an e-mail when you get a PM (everything else seems to have that option)? Did I miss a setting somewhere?


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Short presentation
Just popping in
Just popping in

Hi, everyone!

It's about time that I tell You a little about myself.

My name is Peter aka Student_K and now aka FihmpenRouk. I will return to this a bit later.

I've been using Amiga since long time. I started with an A1000 with an extra diskdrive and expansion memory of 256 kB in the front. The sofware was Kickstart and Workbench 1.1, which was steaming fresh at the time.

I think that the first program I got to my Amiga, was DeluxeMusic, InstantMusic and MarbleMadness but most of all I sat with AmigaBasic. I knew nobody who had an Amiga at that time. I was the only one in my neighbourhood. I was totally on my own. My friends used at the most C-64. When the A500 arrived, I saw more and more people who bought an Amiga.

Later I bought some other hardware to my A1000, an Golem RAM-box. At first I only equipped it with one Mb of RAM, since each chip was priced at around ?10 and I needed 32 chips for each MB.

Later I bought a soundsampler for some amazing price - I think it was more than ?200 and it was Future Sound.

Well, later I got a harddrive (43 MB) and an A.L.F.2-controller. It was made for A500, but I used it backwards on my A1000 without any problems. The Golem RAM-box was connected to the outside of the controller.

Some time after that I got myself an A500+, equipped it with a VXL-030 card with 2Mb RAM (it was expensive and I could just not afford 8 MB).

My economy was really bad and I couldn't afford that much hardware until 1997 when I bought me a new A1200 with a Blizzard 1260, 8 Mb RAM and 1.28 GB harddrive. After that the A1200 got into an Infinitiv tower, CD-rom, CV3D, SCSI-II HD 4.3 GB and SCSI scanner.

In 2002, I think, I got my first A400 (my first second hand computer) and equipped it with the best I could find for an A4000 - Mediator, Voodoo5 (but I think Voodoo3 3000 would have been a better choice - I didn't know that then), CSPPC060/604e/128Mb, Repulse sound card (24 bit), 100 Mbit ethernet (never faster than about 16 Mbit), and all the way SCSI.

Some more hardware not mentioned, but the outlines are here.

At the moment my A4k is broken. It's smthn with the CSPPC, probably the socket for the 68k, I soldered it at a glance some days ago, and it behaved different. I will try t solder it better some day.

I have allmost allways used my Amigas to learn stuff. Learn just about anything. I have allways been a dirty hacks guy, and never coded anything really important for others. I have played around in a few different languages, but actually mostly Basic, since it's easy to do small hacks with that language - in my opinion. Well, the programming has been rather inactive for some years now. I do some small stuff now and then, that's all.

Furthermore, I havn't been much on other boards than swedish ones. I'm not used to communicate Amiga in other languages than swedish and I'm here very much to observe and to learn what other countries talk about when they talk about their interests. I'm also not used to write in english. I listen and read quite some, though.

I've been active on swedish boards for about - a-ehm ... well, maybe since 1998 (I got internet in 1997 with my A1200 - swedish Algonet ruled at that time and was reasonably priced through the swedish magazine Amiga Info)) - Well, I started my forum activity at Amiga Info's board, called X-files. When that closed down I moved to Amiga Rulez, where I am a moderator since two years or somewhat more. I'm also visiting Safir (also a swedish board), where I am a member of staff more or less as some kind of consultant or something.


Last of all a little question about Amigans:
There are some evenlopes before each thread in the forums. The discriptions tell me that they should be different wether a thread contains new posts och no new posts. That feature doesn't seem to work for me. Is it only me or isn't it supposed to work atm? Will it? Please? :) It's very hard to find new posts otherwise. Or is there another good trick, but not to get spammed over the mail?


Ah, hey. An explanation of my nicks, as I promised. Yep, I call myself Student_K (or StudentK) on the swedish forums, but since I'm not that much of a student anymore I have come to start using FihmpenRouk as my new nickname. That name began when I registred at last.fm and is a name I used when I was a small kid playing with my friends in the sandbox. I thougt it was really cool and it sounded foreign and exciting. Well, it maybe doesn't sound that cool and exciting today, but for me it's a flashback of my childhood, so like it if you want, or not. ;)

edit: typos ...

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Re: hopefully Soon
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

poweramiga wrote:

We will get Ibrowse 2.4 update a much needed update for browsing the internet via the Amiga

Hi poweramiga!

This is great, they found 2 more bugs to eradicate!!!!....

This will be a TREMENDOUS advancement for AOS in our WWW viewing ability!!!!

Let's all hope that this will be a fast stable rock solid package that really demonstrates how to "do things right" to the others out there on other platforms.... (Me worried that it won't be??!!?!?!! Haahaahaahaahaa

What? Want proof? Okay, how many people did it take to program IBrowse, compared to, say, well, ANY of the other other platform WWW viewers out there?)

Please excuse my outrageous enthusiam, it's just that i KNOW that we CAN and DO do things better, otherwise, I'd be elsewhere!

(The other places don't need cheerleading, as they're ahead, just that, they don't know how good it COULD be!)

Next, Java (which is mostly open source now, n i c e) and CSS.

THEN, PPC native compile and just maybe somehow Altivec could be implemented, let's put those IC traces to the grindstone!!!

This is such exciting news for "the ded platform"!!!!!!


(Or will the smilee code be :dance :dance :dance ? Hehe!!)

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: The "gimme ya radio stations" thread
Just popping in
Just popping in


HHUK, for those who like it harder ;)

Search it from shoutcast.

?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
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Re: Alien nations for amiga?
Home away from home
Home away from home


the mos port has never released! dunno if they even start the port or just launching a webiste for it...

I didn't know that, i was to belive they had already sold copies?

I mean this website is up for, like YEARS...

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Re: LS120 mountlist for classic diskettes?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hmmm, yes, the full image is not as "work-safe"

(Or "wife-safe", in my case)

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Re: Help with avatar
Just popping in
Just popping in


Hey, for me too.

Here are some old pics i made with fxpaint:


Edited by Dirk-B on 2006/12/11 5:44:27
A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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