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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Yes i know, because of that i use a Radeon 9000 Pro .
Which gfx card do you use?
If you want a 9200 then take a look into the Alinea Computer shop at:
Here can you find a 9200 with 250 Mhz chip clock and 400Mhz memory clock or a Radeon 9000 (passive cooling and only 64 MB ram) with the same clockspeeds.

AmigaOne XE G3 750FX 800Mhz/2 GB Ram + Radeon 9000PRO 128MB +AmigaOS4.1
A4000T CyberstormPPC 604e-200Mhz/060/128MB+CybervisionPPC 8MB +AmigaOS4
and anymore other Amigas...
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Re: Got an Idea - Can you spare 2 mins?
Just popping in
Just popping in


Amiga user since 1988
AOS4 Betatester
Member of ATO Spain
A1 Cfg
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Re: Will we have to pay?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

Good question.

Personally, I think we should have a couple of options.

We have already paid for the OS4 license so some people will rightfully refuse to pay any more. Those people can have an ISO to download and burn their own. For those without broadband I suppose Hyperion should offer a free CD via snail mail though.

There are also some people that would gladly pay some more for a nice OS4 final CD in a sleeve or similar. Maybe include a little special touch like you get with movie DVD special editions these days. I know I wouldn't mind paying some reasonable amount (e.g. $25 USD) for a fancy packaged OS4 final.

Printed manual? No thanks. I'll print it myself if I need it. For those that want one they can buy a printed manual in my opinion.

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Home away from home
Home away from home


neon32 wrote:
Do any of the possible NG Amiga's actually have AGP slots on them to support cards like the 9700/9800 anyway?


TSI109 has support for PCI Express and DDR memory, so the panda for example might come whit PSI Express, after a redesign for the Amiga market, (TS109 is basically cut down version of TSI110)

TSI107 has only PCI and SDRAM


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

I don't know about the old Matrox cards, maybe one of the beta testers can comment?

You are correct. The Matrox thing applied to AmigaAnywhere (formally AmigaDE) only and is years in the past and long dead.

There is only support for some Radeon cards and the Voodoo 3 (maybe more Voodoo cards?) in the current OS4. What OS4 final will support is a decision for Hyperion to make.

I don't know what the status is of SNAP in OS4 but the makers of the technology have recently discontinued it. This doesn't mean we can't have SNAP of course but it does mean any future gfx cards beyond the current crop will not be supported by SNAP.

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in


The AmigaOne motherboard has a universal AGP-port (at least the XE, I have never seen a micro).

The problem is that it outputs 3.3v only so it would not be wise to try a card that only supports 1.5v (AGP 4x) or 0.8v (AGP 8x) as I did. Radeon 9500 and Radeon 9700 does support 3.3v as they are universal cards so they should work fine in an AmigaOne.

The Radeon 9600 and 9800 series are also supposed to support 3.3v but that is obviously dependent on which company who manufacture them. There are people who uses Radeon 9600?s and 9800 in their AmigaOnes as you can see on Inuitionbase.com (of course only in 2D yet).

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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Yeah, I was on the hunt for a Radeon 9000pro or a 9200 but it seems as they are really hard to find (at least here in Sweden), especially a Radeon 9000pro. I would prefer that as it is the fastest card currently supported by Warp3D.

But if the most graphics intensive games available for the AmigaOne doesn?t demand more than a Radeon 9250 I will have to settle with that for now. Radeon 9250?s are really just marginally slower than a Radeon 9000/9200.

@Jurassicc & Outcast:
The reason to why I am scrapping my Radeon 9100 is that it is not supported by Warp3d and who knows, the same bug that causes it to not work in Warp3D might be there in Mesa/OpenGL for AmigaOS 4 too.

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Re: Not enough data ( multiview )
Just popping in
Just popping in


Mitch wrote:
Thanks for your help, now I think I'll continue using heddley although it makes me think of the Mel Brookes movie Blazing Saddles for some reason.


MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Amiga Security Faq
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

by Mitch on 2006/12/6 23:35:11

Just a thought on this, maybe it should be in AmigaGuide and published in different parts for different revisions of the OS.

Does anyone know if there is a tool for generating AmigaGuides to another format ( like a Wiki )?

Would something like ag2html or guide2html from Aminet work? I haven't tried them myself, but you might want to take a look at them.

The FAQ in AmigaGuide is an excellent idea. Great to see you're working on it.

AmigaOne XE, 800Mhz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u7
Sam440ep, 666Mhz, 512Mb, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u6
A1-X1000, 1.8Ghz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1x
A1-X5000/40 2.2Ghz, 2GB, Radeon HD 7700, OS4.1 FE ud 2
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Activating your amigans.net account....
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

We have a large number of membership requests awaiting activation. Please ensure you use a valid email address when applying for membership, otherwise you will not recieve your activation key and your membership account will not work.

edited by hnl_dk: if you are having problems (with activation on this website), are you able to email me... hnl_dk@amigaos.dk

Edited by hnl_dk on 2006/12/7 21:10:00
Edited by hnl_dk on 2006/12/7 21:14:09
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

For me that is not a sore spot, because my Eyetech
AmigaOne is exactly and even better as that zico-stuff.

I think it was meant to give an idea what way we did
had to go with the new Amiga hardware.

And as we now look at the SAM440 and the Micro AmigaOne,
well who would have thought that those designs would be the
ones to follow.

It was just a snapshot of what could have been a start.

Edit: look at the two systems:

The zico specification are as follows;

One AmigaDE friendly host processor (PPC, x86, Arm, SH4, MIPS)
64MB+ memory
Next Generation Matrox graphics card
Creative EMU10K1 based audio card
10 GB+ HD
USB 1.0
10/100 Mbps Ethernet
56k modem
Spare PCI slots for expandibility

My Eyetech AmigaOne specification are as follows;

One Amiga OS 4.0 friendly host processor (PPC)
64MB+ memory
AGP or PCI Next Generation Radeon or Vodoo graphics card
Creative EMU10K1 based audio card or better
10 GB+ HD
USB 1.0
(no Firewire)
10/100 Mbps Ethernet
(no 56k modem)
Spare PCI slots for expandibility

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

I would recommed you a Radeon 9000 (or PRO) for the AmigaOne, because it is a chaep and fast graphic card for os4 in 3D and 2D.

Sorry OT:
This smile -> is more suitable. Look at the most Heino pictures.
http://www.herzenswuensche.de/Presse/ ... hwpresse/maximg/heino.jpg

PS: I like your avatar.

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Re: Not enough data ( multiview )
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That's strange : not earlier than this week-end I updated the FTPMount guide with CubicIDE and experienced no problem at all !!
Can you see what is the difference between the working file and the other ?
In CubicIDE you can validate the guide : what is the result of this validation ?
If CubicIDE produces bad guide files I think you should try to get in contact with the author (Dietmar Eilert, see contact infos at http://www.developers.2go.cc/contact.html)
If you want you can email me the file to see if I can produce the same error with my CubicIDE setup.

EDIT: typo
EDIT2: on OS4 to see graphically what are the differences between the two files you can use AMUIDiff, see http://abalaban.free.fr/index_amiga_projets.html (just some auto-promotion

Back to a quiet home... At last
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

No problem. The Zico stuff has been used as a stick to beat Amiga OS users with for ages so I guess it is still a sore spot.

The court case is like a thunderstorm after a long humid summer.
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

how about using a every now and then i noticed just about every one of your posts have this
gets a little offensive every post !!!!

consider this a second warning

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in


tonyw wrote:

No, the only brands supported are Radeon and Voodoo. The reason is that they are the only two manufacturers who are prepared to release technical information that allows us to write drivers for them.


Thank you for answering my questions (without biting my head off!)

While I am slightly annoyed about the Matrox - at least I can understand the technical reasons behind it as you guys have explained it to me.

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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Do any of the possible NG Amiga's actually have AGP slots on them to support cards like the 9700/9800 anyway?

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Re: Questions about Troika hardware
Just popping in
Just popping in

I hope we can see the panda board soon.
It doesn't work:

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Re: New graphics cards supported by AmigaOS 4 final?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


No, the only brands supported are Radeon and Voodoo. The reason is that they are the only two manufacturers who are prepared to release technical information that allows us to write drivers for them.

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Re: Questions about Troika hardware
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You can read what you like into "Troika isn't one of them". Some legitimate meanings:

1) Troika is not among them (none of them);
2) Troika is not one of them (but IS the other);
3) Troika is both of them (two models).

In any case, that was said many months ago and may have changed.

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