With *RunInDOSBox*, try the following in a Shell:
RunInDOSBox "path/to/KEEPER.EXE" cdISO "path/to/stub.iso" CDletter "D" NoExit Window
Where path/to/KEEPER.EXE should be replaced by the path needed to get to the Dungeon Keeper executable called KEEPER.EXE .
Where path/to/stub.iso should be replaced by the path needed to get to the stub cd image mentioned by utri007 (he didn't say what the name of it was).
That ought to work, but as I don't have a copy I can't test it.
CDletter "D" isn't actually necessary, since the default CD drive letter is D, but I added it incase there was a need to use a letter other than D. If it works using D, then you can get rid of that part.
NoExit prevents DosBox from quitting when the game finishes, so that you can see any error messages. If it works then you can get rid of that part.
Window makes DosBox run in a window (instead of full screen). If you prefer full screen then get rid of that part.
Currently you have to specify parameters like cdISO using the Shell (or a script), but the next release of RunInDOSBox will support using icon tooltypes instead, which I think is nicer to use...