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Joined: 2012/8/14 13:47 Last Login
: 2017/5/31 17:34
From Pacifica, California
Registered Users
I'm new to the MiST configured with Amiga AGA. I just received my system a week ago and before I start making full use of it I'd like to make a master backup of the SD card with the Amiga configuration I bought with my MiST.
Is it possible just to copy the content of the original SD card in a new SD card formatted in FAT32? Can I use a bigger capacity SD card, i.e. 32GB with FAT32 format? The reason I ask this last question is because I already tried using a 32 GB SD card and the MiST can't read it, so I am not sure if this is the issue.
The original SD card that came with the MiST has folders and files, including the cores and 3 hdf's images with Workbench configurations.
Thank you in advance for any help.