Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2008/1/8 15:28 Last Login
: 2023/11/24 9:56
From Dublin/Glasgow
Registered Users
The Christmas meetup of the Scottish Amiga User Group will take place in Glasgow on Sunday the 9th December, and will be held in the same venue as the previous meeting - The Shawlands Church Hall, 111 Mossside Road, G41 3TP. Crossmyloof train station is nearby, and is only a few minutes from Glasgow Central. There'll be plenty of Amigas old and slightly less old to see and play with, and some other interesting retro gear too.
Events for the day are yet to be confirmed, but are likely to include a workshop covering installation of the new Amiga OS 3.1.4 release and of course the obligatory SWOS tournament. Tea and coffee will be available in the hall on the day, and there are nearby shops and cafes for grub if needed. Afterwards we'll likely go for some food and drinks nearby - Lebowski's is a popular choice for its tasty burgers and beer, and extensive White Russian menu :)
Tables will be available for anyone wishing to bring their own gear, and people are welcome to turn up from 11:30 for setting up. There should be plenty of tables available, but let me know if you'd like one and I'll reserve one for you. Please bring extension leads as sockets are limited in the hall.
Entry is free, though donations towards the cost of the hall would be greatly appreciated :)