Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/12/3 12:02 Last Login
: 2007/10/5 17:07
From Beside the "Father of Waters", the Mississippi, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Registered Users
My comments, as cut and pasted from the form:
I currently use MacOSX and Linux at home and Windows at work (no choice), and used to use AmigaOS (computer no longer works). Ethics MUST play into my choice of OS. There is only one OS maker who, because of their OWN ACTIONS and CHOICES, is nearly constantly under the scrutiny of the federal government: MicroSoft. In situations where I have the choice, I want NOTHING to do with their products, no matter how utilitarian those products might be. Linux presents problems for those who are not techno wizzes; particularly if your Linux machine is not connected to the Internet, updates are a nightmare. Other than that it just works. MacOSX also just works, and is elegant while it does so. According to my remembrances, however, when it comes to ease, EFFICIENCY, and usability, none of them stacks up to AmigaOS.