Thanks again for the coverage here are still some fps numbers on Baldur’s Gate which were not ready in time for your report:
A1222 Baldur’s Gate 1
18 fps
A1222 Planescape Torment
24 fps
(Same system seems torment is faster)
And yes the game definitely runs on a1222 though on a softfloat version. I actually plan to try if the same compiler options can make Heretic2 run on a1222.
MicroAmigaOne 800 mhz
8-10 fps (betatester said „still feels playable though“, Note he did only try one character, no full 6 characters test on this one, neither on a1222)
x5000 baldurs gate 2 1024x768
Further x5000 specific optimization raised this from 26 fps to 30 fps (remember 30 fps was the limit of the engine).
And some news on the WarpOS Version (which will be released at a later time than the os4 version though):
Ragnarok g3 800 mhz overclocked to 1 ghz
All 4 games around 24-25 fps
I am actually extremely impressed by that WarpOS test.
As always, thank you for this little read and the summary. Great report
Thanks for the work done on GemRB, it's great. Great that you will also try to support games on the A1222, I am curious if there will be a possibility that we will see Herertic 2 on this system sooner or later.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE