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Joined: 2007/2/17 12:47 Last Login
: 2020/4/12 9:51
From Dumfries, Scotland
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Yes, its that old topic again! Any one know if there's been any progress at all with it? The reason I ask is that I've been given an old G3 iMac on which I've installed OS X 10.2.8 and I wanted Open Office for it. The Mac OS X version uses X11 to run under. There is an Aqua (native) version in the works, but for now, X11 is the main option. Of course, there's bound to be a huge number of dependencies for such a big package (I've just burnt a 330Mb .dmg image, which is OO.o and X11). My thoughts were, of course, about using Edgar Schwan's excellent Cygnix program to port it to. I know that's still not a native port, but better than nothing. And yes, I know there's Abiword and several other programs which give us pretty good office capabilities, but still nothing as complete as this. Any one any thoughts here?