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Joined: 2008/12/17 1:32 Last Login
: 10/24 9:54
From Italy
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Well, if you need it I will release a beta version with some preloaded profiles yuo can select with the drop down gadget. Before that I want to include same basic preferences like: - Clear FileList after encoding (Flag) - Remove original Files after encoding (Flag) - Overwrite existing files (Flag) - Play sound when encoding has been completed (Flag)
I'd like to insert two more buttons to play/stop the selected file in the FileList.
Let's say next week I can release something :)
@Wanderer Yes, I know about the look of the gui but you should know that I'm using Hollywood to build this app and a Gui library developed by me named ScuiLib. Hollywood doesn't have any sort of Gui and can't open any windows except the main program window. So I was forced to develop a Gui library by myself, it's event driven and I've made a fake window system because I can't open system windows. The gui is skinnable and right now I prefer to focus to the app development and ScuiLib testing then skin design :)
When I'll have time I'll try to make an OS4-like theme, but actually I've other priorities, first of all I've to complete the missing classes in ScuiLib.
Fonts are the same there are just two different sizes (11 and 9 if I remember right) Why are you saying "randomly-made layout"? We can discuss about it, I'd like to have a simple front Gui with all of the options in the profiles editor, any suggestions? How can I improve the layout?
Regards, Allanon
P.S.: if I change the font of the title bar of the fake window nothing will fall into pieces :P